
PoseNet + Websockets w/ Elixir Phoenix and React

Primary LanguageElixir

PoC for Web Sockets (with Elixir!)


Really should have thought of something to write here...


Flow Diagram

How to Run

Terminal 1 (Server)

iex -S mix phx.server

This will allow for an interactive shell into the running server.

Terminal 2 (Client)

npm start

Should open a browser window with the client

Test it out

In the Server terminal:

ServerWeb.Endpoint.broadcast!("room:1", "myEvent", %{test: "stuff"})

"Coach" goes to http://localhost:3000/viewdata "User" goes to http://localhost:3000/


2 terminals: Client

ngrok http 3000

Server (Websockets)

ngrok http 4000

replace client/src/ViewData.js websockets localhost:4000 with the ngrok link from the server.

First Time Set up


  • Elixir Installed on system
  • Node / npm installed on system
  • postgres installed on system
cd server
mix deps.get
cd ../client
npm i

Configure Postgres

create database server_db;
grant all privileges on database server_db to my_user;
mix deps.get
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate