
Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

The seed for Portfolio project

This project is an application skeleton for your portfolio Web app. It uses the Bower package manager to handle front-end dependencies, NodeJS to handle the Web server and Karma (a NodeJS dependency) to run unit tests.

How to use portfolio-seed

  • Create an empty repository at GitHub (maybe portfolio)
  • Open up your terminal
  • Run the following commands
cd /tmp # make sure this is a directory that exists
git clone --bare git@github.com:DojoDevCamp/portfolio-seed.git
cd portfolio-seed.git
git push --mirror git@github.com:portfolio.git # this will be different for you
cd ..
rm -rf portfolio-seed.git

Running the app during development

  • Make sure that NodeJS is installed
  • From the CLI, in the project directory, run npm install

You can run the NodeJS server in two ways:

  • Run server/web-server.js from the CLI
  • Inside PyCharm, set up a NodeJS configuration

Then navigate your browser to http://localhost:<port>/public/index.html to see the app running in your browser.

Running the app in production (Heroku)

  • Create a Heroku account
  • Create a Heroku app from the CLI ** heroku create [NAME]
  • git push heroku master

Running unit tests

Requires node.js, Karma (sudo npm install -g karma) and a local or remote browser.

  • start developer/test/scripts/test.sh (on windows: developer\test\scripts\test.bat)
    • a browser will start and connect to the Karma server (Chrome is default browser, others can be captured by loading the same url as the one in Chrome or by changing the config/karma.conf.js file)
  • to run or re-run tests just change any of your source or test javascript files

End to end testing

Angular ships with a baked-in end-to-end test runner that understands angular, your app and allows you to write your tests with jasmine-like BDD syntax.

Requires a webserver, node.js + ./server/web-server.js or your backend server that hosts the angular static files.

Check out the end-to-end runner's documentation for more info.

  • create your end-to-end tests in developer/test/e2e/scenarios.js
  • serve your project directory with your http/backend server or node.js + server/web-server.js
  • to run do one of:
    • open http://localhost:port/test/e2e/runner.html in your browser
    • run the tests from console with Karma via developer/test/scripts/e2e-test.sh or developer/test/scripts/e2e-test.bat

Directory Layout

.bowerrc                    --> Configures bower to install components under public/lib
.gitignore                  --> Artifacts we do not want in our git repositories, switched based on where we are pushing changes
bower.json                  --> Declares front-end dependencies, like angular and bootstrap
LICENSE                     --> Officially declaring this code under MIT licenses
package.json                --> Declares dev and prod dependencies, for prod it will install bower
Procfile                    --> File required by Heroku to launch your application
README.md                   --> This file

        karma.conf.js        --> config file for running unit tests with Karma
        karma-e2e.conf.js    --> config file for running e2e tests with Karma
        e2e/              -->
            runner.html     --> end-to-end test runner (open in your browser to run)
            scenarios.js    --> end-to-end specs
        scripts/            --> handy shell/js/ruby scripts
            e2e-test.sh       --> runs end-to-end tests with Karma (*nix)
            e2e-test.bat      --> runs end-to-end tests with Karma (windows)
            test.bat          --> autotests unit tests with Karma (windows)
            test.sh           --> autotests unit tests with Karma (*nix)
        unit/                     --> unit level specs/tests
            controllersSpec.js      --> specs for controllers
            directivessSpec.js      --> specs for directives
            filtersSpec.js          --> specs for filters
            servicesSpec.js         --> specs for services

public/                        --> all of the files to be used in production
  css/                      --> css files
    app.css                 --> default stylesheet
  img/                      --> image files
    portfolio-one.gif       --> Cheetos image for the portfolio page
  index.html                --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)
  js/                       --> javascript files
    app.js                  --> angular application config, run and routes
    constants.js            --> angular constants
    controllers.js          --> angular controller portion of MVC
    directives.js           --> angular directives, contains a 'toggling' example
    portfolio-data.json     --> contains dummy portfolio data that can be updated
  partials/                 --> angular view partials (partial html templates)
    about.tpl.html          --> contains the about page content, demonstrates angularjs filters
    contact.tpl.html        --> contains the contact page content
    home.tpl.html           --> contains the home page content
    portfolio.tpl.html      --> contains the portfolio page content, demonstrates angularjs data binding, looping and JSON consumption

    web-server.js     --> simple development webserver based on node.js


For more information, please contact the instructor