Simulation and Reinforcement Learning for DJI Pupper v2 robot
Install conda, then
conda create --name rl_pupper python=3.7
conda activate rl_pupper
pip install ray arspb
git clone
cd puppersim
pip install -e . (there is a dot at the end)
python3 puppersim/ (this verifies the installation, you should see pybullet window show up with a pupper in it)
If is running very slowly, try
python3 puppersim/
then in a new terminal tab/window
python3 puppersim/ --render=False
This runs the visualizer GUI and simulator as two separate processes.
ray start --head
python3 puppersim/ --rollout_length=200
ray stop (after training is completed)
python3 puppersim/ --expert_policy_file data/lin_policy_plus_latest.npz --json_file data/params.json --render
Set up Avahi (for linux only, one time only per computer)
sudo apt install avahi-* (one time)
Run the following, you should see ip address of pupper
avahi-resolve-host-name raspberrypi.local -4
Setup the zero password login for your pupper (Original password on raspberry pi: raspberry)
One time only per computer, run
One time only per pupper, run
- Linux
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh pi@`avahi-resolve-host-name raspberrypi.local -4 | awk '{print $2}'` 'mkdir .ssh/ && cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
- MacOs
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh pi@raspberrypi.local 'mkdir -p .ssh/ && cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
- Turn on the Pupper robot, wait for it to complete the calibration motion.
- Connect your laptop with the Pupper using an USB-C cable
- Run the following command on your laptop:
./ python3 puppersim/puppersim/ --expert_policy_file=puppersim/data/lin_policy_plus_latest.npz --json_file=puppersim/data/params.json --run_on_robot
Navigate to the outer puppersim folder and run
python3 puppersim/
Clone the the heuristic controller:
git clone
cd StanfordQuadruped
git checkout dji
The dji
branch is checked out so you can use the version of code for Pupper V2 rather than the servo-based Pupper V1.
In a separate terminal, navigate to StanfordQuadruped and run
Keyboard controls:
- wasd: left joystick --> moves robot forward/back and left/right
- arrow keys: right joystick --> turns robot left/right
- q: L1 --> activates/deactivates robot
- e: R1 --> starts/stops trotting gait
- ijkl: d-pad
- x: X
- square: u
- triangle: t
- circle: c