Code 201: Foundations of Software Development


NOTE: If you have taken Code 101 already, skip to #3. The guide in #3 is similar to Code 101's prework but contains additional steps you must complete prior to Code 201.
1. Code 101

If you are completely new to coding, consider completing Code 101 to build your first website using HTML and CSS and to find out if a career in software development is right for you.

2. Ensure your laptop up to the task of coding
  • Is virus and malware free
  • Uses the latest, stable, updated version of its operating system
  • Has a functioning screen, keyboard, and trackpad
  • Has plenty of free hard drive space and memory
  • Can reliably connect to wireless networks
3. Complete the setup guide for your computer's operating system

Following completion of these Pre-work assignments, you should:

  • Have a terminal with a Git compatible prompt
  • Be able to receive a valid response when typing "git --version"
  • Be able to open Sublime Text from the Terminal or Git Bash.
4. Download and Install Slack

We use Slack to distribute files and collaborate before, during, and after the workshop.

Look for an email from us prior to the workshop, in order to join our Slack team.

5. Purchase the required textbooks

If you haven't already, purchase this textbook set prior to the first day of class:

6. Tutorials

Complete these tutorials prior to the first day of class.