
build custom image

./gradlew buildAarch64DockerImage

using a prebuilt SNAPSHOT

  • log in to and copy paste to command line after logging in
  • (optional) docker tag elasticsearch:8.x.y-SNAPSHOT elasticsearch:8.x.y-SNAPSHOT-localbuild (to disambigute which snapshot)
  • (optional) docker image rm
rm -rf fulfilldata && rm -rf querydata # to ensure clean slate 
docker-compose up
curl -u elastic:changeme http://localhost:9200  # query cluster
curl -u elastic:changeme http://localhost:19200 # fulfill cluster

Establish X cluster connection

Get api key from fulfilling cluster:

POST _security/cross_cluster/api_key
  "name": "my-cross-cluster-api-key",
  "access": {
    "search": [  
        "names": ["logs*"]
    "replication": [  
        "names": ["archive*"]
  "metadata": {
    "foo": "bar"

Example output:

    "id": "53junYkB153pRTGmyMDF",
    "name": "my-cross-cluster-api-key",
    "api_key": "3qQrmTMcStSH6RpokDmE1Q",
    "encoded": "NTNqdW5Za0IxNTNwUlRHbXlNREY6M3FRcm1UTWNTdFNINlJwb2tEbUUxUQ=="

Add a document to the fulfilling cluster.

POST logs-test/_doc/1
  "foo" :true

Stop the query cluster:

docker-compose stop es-query

Download the version of the keystore that matches the query cluster version to ensure a compatilbe keystort tool. For example, if the query cluster version is 8.13.4, then use that version to update the keystore. If you built locally, then use ./gradlew localDistro get a release like build.

cd ~/workspace/elasticsearch/releases/
tar xfx elasticsearch-8.13.4-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz 
cd elasticsearch-8.13.4 

or a local build

cd ~/workspace/elasticsearch/8.14
./gradlew localDistro
cd ~/workspace/elasticsearch/8.14/build/distribution/local/elasticsearch-8.14.0-SNAPSHOT

Copy the keystore used by docker so we can update it.

cp  ~/workspace/es-docker-cross-cluster-with-kibana/query-config/elasticsearch.keystore ./config/elasticsearch.keystore 
bin/elasticsearch-keystore add cluster.remote.my_remote_cluster.credentials 
# add the encoded string, i.e. NTNqdW5Za0IxNTNwUlRHbXlNREY6M3FRcm1UTWNTdFNINlJwb2tEbUUxUQ==
# confirm
bin/elasticsearch-keystore show cluster.remote.my_remote_cluster.credentials
# replace
cp ./config/elasticsearch.keystore ~/workspace/es-docker-cross-cluster-with-kibana/query-config/elasticsearch.keystore

Start the query cluster back up

docker-compose up -d --no-deps es-query

Now you the query cluster should be connected the fulfilling cluster

GET _remote/info

    "my_remote_cluster": {
        "connected": true,
        "mode": "proxy",
        "proxy_address": "es-fulfill:9443",
        "server_name": "",
        "num_proxy_sockets_connected": 18,
        "max_proxy_socket_connections": 18,
        "initial_connect_timeout": "30s",
        "skip_unavailable": false,
        "cluster_credentials": "::es_redacted::"


GET my_remote_cluster:logs-test/_search

should return success (assuming logs-foo exists in the fulfilling cluster)

Optinally if you want to upgrade a cluster:

update the verions in docker-compose and restart the node. for example:

    image: elasticsearch:8.15.0-SNAPSHOT-localbuild
docker-compose up -d --no-deps k-fulfill
docker-compose up -d --no-deps es-fulfill

With a custom user

On the querying cluster (as elastic user):

POST /_security/role/remote1
  "remote_indices": [
      "names": [ "logs-*" ],
      "privileges": [ "read" ],
      "clusters" : ["my_remote_cluster"]

POST /_security/user/bart
  "password": "eatmyshorts!",
  "roles": ["remote1", "kibana_admin"]

On the query cluster (as bart user) :

GET my_remote_cluster:logs-test/_search

Ignore keystore changes

Due to compatibilty issues we use elder keystores here. Those keystores may be updated when running newer versions. We don't want to commit those. Run to instruct git to ignore changes to those files before committing.