
Elasticsearch Docker mixed cluster with development versions

Mixed Cluster Docker for testing

Optional - clean start

docker image prune -a # removes all docker images

Build local docker distribution for both versions

./gradlew :distribution:docker:assemble # elder 


./gradlew :distribution:docker:buildDockerImage #newer

Ensure both docker images are installed.

docker images | grep elasticsearch

Update docker-compose.yml with the desired versions


docker-compose up

Ensure all 3 are running and in the same cluster:

curl localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?v

Double check the versions and send command directly to desired host

curl -v localhost:9200
curl -v localhost:9201
curl -v localhost:9202

Optional: In docker-compose.yml uncomment Kibana and point it to the desired host.

To stop a node

docker-compose stop elasticsearch[1|2|3]

To upgrade a node, change the version then

docker-compose up -d --no-deps elasticsearch[1|2|3]

Double check the versions and send command directly to desired host

curl -v localhost:9200
curl -v localhost:9201
curl -v localhost:9202