
Primary LanguageShell

Bootstrap my dotfiles (instructions for OSX)

  1. Install homebrew
  2. brew install mr
  3. Install KeePassX
  4. Setup ssh keys
  5. mr --trust-all bootstrap https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jakemcc/dotfiles/master/home/.mrconfig
  6. $HOME/.homesick/repos/homeshick/bin/homeshick link

Steps for new OS X machine post above steps

  1. open ~/.fonts/Inconsolata.otf
  2. Download iterm2
  3. Download Solarized colors
  4. Setup iTerm2 to use Solarized + Inconsolata
  5. Install JDK
  6. Docker for Mac and bump up memory settings
  7. Turn on FileVault encryption
  8. Get secrets from backup
brew install hh
brew cask install emacs
brew install gnupg2
brew install fasd
brew install aspell
brew install awscli
brew install bash-completion
brew install chruby
brew install clojure
brew install git-crypt
brew install gnu-sed
brew install multimarkdown
brew install pgcli
brew install phantomjs
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
brew install ruby-install
brew install selecta
brew install shellcheck
brew install siege
brew install ssh-copy-id
brew install terminal-notifier
brew install the_silver_searcher
brew install tmate
brew install wget
ruby-install ruby-2.6 # or something like this
homeshick cd dotfiles && git-crypt unlock
brew install npm
npm install semistandard