
Clearing screen before each test run

krisleech opened this issue · 3 comments

Would an option to clear the screen before each test run be considered?

I'm fairly new to Clojure but would be happy to have a go at a PR, if so...

@krisleech Thanks for the suggestion. test-refresh already has more options than I'd really like it to have so I'll have to think about it for a little bit.

Do you have an example of another test runner (any language) that does this?

If this feature is added, we'll need to make sure it works across platforms.

I can applicate you not wanting to add more stuff.

Example is other languages:

The -c flag in entr.

Guard has a clear setting.

I can applicate you not wanting to add more stuff.


Saying that, I can see how this option would be useful. If you implement it I'm not opposed to checking it out and merging it in.

Working on lein-test-refresh is a pretty manual process. I've given an outline how how I work on it that will be useful to follow (you could even use entr to automate part of that process).