- 3
- 2
Feature Request: write out .lein-failures each loop so you can inspect current failures from a file
#89 opened by gleenn - 4
`:quiet` flag is ignored under `deps/cli`
#88 opened by cloojure - 2
`:quiet` flag is broken
#86 opened by cloojure - 2
Is it possible to place test files and source files under a single root directory?
#85 opened by cloojure - 4
Problem with defonce and URLStreamHandlerFactory
#84 opened by jumarko - 6
- 4
Running in Cursive REPL
#80 opened by klauswuestefeld - 2
- 2
- 6
- 2
Launch nrepl server along with the test runner
#77 opened by vemv - 2
Does not find data_readers.clj
#63 opened by AndreTheHunter - 1
Tests are run multiple times on file change when using a docker volume on OSX
#76 opened by kenan-rhoton - 3
Clearing screen before each test run
#68 opened by krisleech - 3
test-refresh loads configuration for dev profile while running after a repl is started
#74 opened by anler - 3
Feature request: circleci.test support
#72 opened by AndreTheHunter - 1
Issue with test refresh and clojure 1.9 with spec
#73 opened by tetriscode - 2
- 3
- 1
- 1
- 4
#62 opened by cloojure - 4
- 7
- 4
Displaying the difference in the number of tests, asserts, passes and fails, compared to the previous run
#56 opened by not-raspberry - 1
fine-tuning the number of tests that get re-run
#57 opened by jdkealy - 2
- 2
- 3
Compatibility with jaycfields/expectations
#52 opened by julianjelfs - 5
java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: (vector? (:dependencies project [])) when running lein test-refresh
#51 opened by johanhaleby - 2
"Problem communicating with Growl"
#47 opened by rrrnld - 1
- 0
- 8
Clojurescript won't trigger tests
#44 opened by nenadalm - 4
rerun just one namespace
#41 opened by thirdreplicator - 8
Tests as cljc
#39 opened by donbonifacio - 3
#38 opened by donbonifacio - 2
more built in notification options
#36 opened by prozz - 8
lein test-refresh doesn't run any tests
#35 opened by expez - 4
Improved output
#33 opened by donbonifacio - 0
- 3
Sometimes could is not reloaded
#32 opened by donbonifacio - 2
FR: show failing test stack traces at the bottom
#31 opened by yatesco - 1
- 1
Persisting slow state between reloads
#26 opened by wambat - 1
filter out tests in checkouts directories
#27 opened by mattflo-outpace - 1
Move dependency on Clojure to `dev` profile.
#25 opened by jakemcc - 4
- 1
lein test-refresh should activate :test profile
#22 opened by jakemcc