
What exactly do you need to do to get this working?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

What are the perquisites for this? Do I need to have Pi-Hole Installed already? The url to insall is also just a bunch of periods......

I just found this repo and added it to my pi-hole this morning. Here are some temporary instructions working for me until the readme script is updated:

1- log into pi with ssh, pi hole should be set up and running
2- download the script with:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaykepeters/PSS/master/Pi-hole_SafeSearch.sh
3- move script:
sudo mv ./Pi-hole_SafeSearch.sh /usr/local/bin/
4- make script executable:
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/Pi-hole_SafeSearch.sh
5- enable (start it running)
sudo Pi-hole_SafeSearch.sh -e

I'd make a pull request for your install script and readme but I don't know how to build that script...

@crxporter You got it right! I think someone already added instructions, so we should be good to go!