
Combine and deduplicate popular /etc/hosts blocking lists.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



dnsgate merges 3rd party [1] DNS blocking lists into /etc/dnsmasq.conf or /etc/hosts format.

While not required, dnsmasq improves on conventional /etc/hosts domain blocking by enabling * blocking of domains.

For example *.google.com:

echo 'address=/.google.com/' >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf

Returnins for all google.com domains. Rather than return and make the application chack if port 80/443/whatever is open, dnsmasq has another advantage; it can return NXDOMAIN:

echo 'server=/.google.com/' >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf

This instead returns NXDOMAIN on *.google.com. Returning NXDOMAIN instead of localhost is default in dnsmasq output mode.

Said another way, conventional /etc/hosts blocking can not use wildcards * and therefore someone must keep track of each subdomain / domain combination that should be blocked. This is not necessarily a problem. Even if you don't use dnsmasq, other people [1] keep track of the subdomains for you and dnsgate automatically pulls from them. If you want to block a specific domain completely, you must use dnsmasq.

With --mode dnsmasq (which is default) --block-at-psl strips domains to their "Public Second Level Domain" which is the top public domain with any subdomain stripped, removing the need to manually specify/track specific subdomains. --block-at-psl may block domain's you want to use, so use it with whitelist.


  • Persistent Configuration. see dnsgate configure --help.
  • Wildcard Blocking. --block-at-psl will block TLD's instead of individual subdomains (dnsmasq mode only).
  • System-wide. All programs that use the local DNS resolver benefit.
  • Blacklist Caching. Optionally cache and re-use remote blacklists (see --no-cache and --cache-expire).
  • Non-interactive. Can be run as a periodic cron job.
  • Quickly modify your custom Lists. Like dnsgate whitelist projectwonderful.com or dnsgate blacklist cnn.com.
  • Return NXDOMAIN. Rather than redirect the request to, NXDOMAIN is returned. (dnsmasq mode only).
  • Return Custom IP. --dest-ip allows redirection to specified IP (disables returning NXDOMAIN in dnsmasq mode).
  • Installation Support. see install-help
  • Verbose Output. see dnsgate --verbose generate
  • IDN Support. What to block snowman? dnsgate blacklist ☃.net
  • TLD Blocking. Want to block Saudi Arabia? dnsgate blacklist sa
  • Enable/Disable Support. dnsgate enable and dnsgate disable (dnsmasq mode only)


  • Test on distros other than gentoo w/ OpenRC && dnsmasq
  • Pip install support
  • Add tox tests
  • Add optional DNS filtering proxy to allow hierarchical rules.
  • Add optional bind rpz output.
  • Make enable/disable work in --mode hosts



$ git clone https://github.com/jakeogh/dnsgate.git
$ cd dnsgate
# python3 setup.py install
$ dnsgate configure --help
$ ./dnsgate --help
Usage: dnsgate [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  dnsgate combines, deduplicates, and optionally modifies local and remote DNS blacklists. Use "dnsgate
  (command) --help" for more information.

  --no-restart-dnsmasq  do not restart the dnsmasq service
  --backup              backup output file before overwriting
  --verbose             print debug information to stderr
  --help                Show this message and exit.

  blacklist     Add domain(s) to /etc/dnsgate/blacklist
  blockall      return NXDOMAIN on _ALL_ domains
  configure     write /etc/dnsgate/config
  disable       Disable /etc/dnsgate/generated_blacklist
  enable        Enable /etc/dnsgate/generated_blacklist
  generate      Create /etc/dnsgate/generated_blacklist
  install_help  Help configure dnsmasq or /etc/hosts
  whitelist     Add domain(s) to /etc/dnsgate/whitelist
$ ./dnsgate configure --help
Usage: dnsgate configure [OPTIONS] [SOURCES]...

  Write /etc/dnsgate/config

  [SOURCES] are the remote blacklist(s) to get rules from. Defaults to:

  http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/hosts

  --mode [dnsmasq|hosts]          [required]
  --block-at-psl                  strips subdomains, for example: analytics.google.com -> google.com (must
                                  manually whitelist inadvertently blocked domains)
  --dest-ip TEXT                  IP to redirect blocked connections to (defaults to in hosts
                                  mode, specifying this in dnsmasq mode causes lookups to resolve rather
                                  than return NXDOMAIN)
  --dnsmasq-config-file FILENAME  dnsmasq config file (defaults to /etc/dnsmasq.conf)
  --output TEXT                   (for testing) output file (defaults to /etc/dnsgate/generated_blacklist)
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

create dnsgate configuration file for --mode dnsmasq:

$ ./dnsgate configure --mode dnsmasq

dnsmasq examples that do the same thing:

$ ./dnsgate generate
 * Stopping dnsmasq ... [ ok ]
 * Starting dnsmasq ... [ ok ]
$ ./dnsgate --verbose generate
Using output file: /etc/dnsgate/generated_blacklist
132 validated whitelist domains.
Reading remote blacklist(s):
['http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt', 'http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/hosts', 'https://adaway.org/hosts.txt']
24077 domains from remote blacklist(s).
24077 validated remote blacklisted domains.
24075 blacklisted domains after subtracting the 132 whitelisted domains
Re-adding 69 domains in the local blacklist /etc/dnsgate/blacklist to override the whitelist.
24137 blacklisted domains after re-adding the custom blacklist.
23526 blacklisted domains after removing redundant rules.
Sorting domains by their subdomain and grouping by TLD.
Final blacklisted domain count: 23526
Writing output file: /etc/dnsgate/generated_blacklist in dnsmasq format
 * Stopping dnsmasq ... [ ok ]
 * Starting dnsmasq ... [ ok ]

create dnsgate configuration file for --mode hosts:

$ ./dnsgate configure --mode hosts

hosts examples that do the same thing:

$ ./dnsgate generate
$ ./dnsgate --verbose generate
Using output file: /etc/dnsgate/generated_blacklist
132 validated whitelist domains.
Reading remote blacklist(s):
['http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt', 'http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/hosts', 'https://adaway.org/hosts.txt']
24077 domains from remote blacklist(s).
24077 validated remote blacklisted domains.
24075 blacklisted domains after subtracting the 132 whitelisted domains
Re-adding 69 domains in the local blacklist /etc/dnsgate/blacklist to override the whitelist.
24137 blacklisted domains after re-adding the custom blacklist.
23526 blacklisted domains after removing redundant rules.
Sorting domains by their subdomain and grouping by TLD.
Final blacklisted domain count: 23526
Writing output file: /etc/dnsgate/generated_blacklist in hosts format

/etc/hosts install help:

$ ./dnsgate install_help
    $ mv -vi /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.default
    $ cat /etc/hosts.default /etc/dnsgate/generated_blacklist > /etc/hosts

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[1]: http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/hosts