

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Experiments with "Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers" (BERT)

Exploration of the inner working by fine-tuning a BERT encoder on the 10KGNAD dataset.

The code base is largely built on the great Pytorch-transformers(https://huggingface.co/pytorch-transformers/index.html) lib.


The training data is based on the "Ten Thousand German News Articles Dataset for Topic Classification" https://tblock.github.io/10kGNAD/"

To get the data clone the git repository

git clone https://github.com/tblock/10kGNAD.git

Class distribution of dataset

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Model training

Training can be started on the CLI using:

$ python pipeline.py --train .\data --test .\data --model-dir .\trained --output-data-dir .\output --per_gpu_train_batch_size 3

(All default hyper parameter can be overwritten via CLI.)

Hyper params:

Param Value
attention_probs_dropout_prob 0.1
hidden_act "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob 0.1
hidden_size 768
initializer_range 0.02
intermediate_size 3072
layer_norm_eps 1e-12
max_position_embeddings 512
num_attention_heads 12
num_hidden_layers 12
num_labels 9
output_attentions false
output_hidden_states true
torchscript false
type_vocab_size 2
vocab_size 30000


Metric Value
acc 0.8929961089494164
acc_and_f1 0.8929961089494164
f1_macro 0.8902614321693273
f1_micro 0.8929961089494164
loss 0.6125384846398997

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Test sentences:

"Die Prinzessin wohnt im prunkvollen Schloss", 
"Das Schloss wurde im Mittelalter erbaut",
"Die Türe benötigt dringend ein neue Schloss",
"Das Schloss der Kiste ist schon lange defekt"]

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