
Noise generators written in Common Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon LispThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Noise generation library for Common Lisp


  • noise-desc: Descriptor struct for parameters of a noise generator. The fields of the descriptor are enumerated below:

    • generator: The noise generator function. The only required argument must be a list of coordinate components in the first position (a "point"). The coordinates should be in row-major order. Additional arguments may be passed as &key parameters but must have defaults.

    • generator-keys: A property list of arguments to pass to gen, in addition to the coordinate list. This is where &key parameters may be passed to gen.

    • size: The size of noise to generate when used in make-generator, make-buf, etc. For 1-dimensional noise, an integer. Otherwise, a list of integer dimension sizes in row-major order.

    • octaves: The amount of octaves of noise to consider.

    • persistence: The weight of each octave, relative to the last.

    • frequency-scale: Dimension scaling amount for each successive octave. May be a single number for uniform scaling, or a list of number to scale the corresponding entry in size.

    • offset: The offset of the first data point of noise from the origin.

    • width: The width of the sampled noise; e.g. a value of 2 will sample in the range [offset, offset+2).


noise point desc

Take a point point and a generator descriptor desc and return the value of the noise at point.

make-generator desc

Take a generator descriptor desc and return a closure that returns each data point of noise described by desc in row-major order.

make-buffer desc

Take a generator descriptor desc and return a buffer that contains the noise described by desc.

uniform-perm n

Generate a random uniform permutation in the range [0,n) using the Fisher-Yates Shuffle.


with-generator name desc &body body

Execute the body body with the noise generator function described by desc bound to name.

with-buffer name desc &body body

Execute the body body with the noise generator buffer described by desc bound to name.

Builtin Generators

Noise generators are defined in cl-noise.gen.GENERATOR and reexported in cl-noise.gen. All noise generators output values in the range [-1, 1]

uniform &rest unused

Uniform random noise.

perlin point &key (perm +ken-perlin-perm+)

Perlin noise.

Takes a point point and a uniform permutation of integers [0-255] and returns the value of perlin noise at point.

Uses original Ken Perlin Permutation by default.

simplex point &key (perm +ken-perlin-perm+)

Simplex noise.

Takes a point point and a uniform permutation of integers [0-255] and returns the value of simplex noise at point.

Uses original Ken Perlin Permutation by default.


To build examples:

$ ./build.sh $EXAMPLE
$ ./build.sh png       # build png example


Create a PNG of 2 dimensional noise.

Usage: png OPTIONS FILE [FILE ...]
Available options:
  -h, --help                Print this help text
  -s, --size ROWS,COLUMNS
                            The size of the noise as a comma-separated list in row-major order [Default: (3 3)]
  -o, --octaves ARG         Number of octaves to use for perlin noise [Default: 1]
  -p, --persistence ARG     Weight of each octave relative to the last [Default: 0.5]
  -w, --sample-width ARG    Noise sample size [Default: 8.0]
  -g, --generator ARG       Specifies the noise generation function
                            One of [`UNIFORM', `PERLIN', `SIMPLEX'] [Default: perlin]
  -k, --ken-perlin-perm     Whether to use Ken Perlins original permutation
  --offset Y[,X]            Offset of first noise data point from origin [Default: (0 0)]
  • 256x256 uniform noise to "image.png":
$ ./png -g uniform --size 256,256 "image.png"

256x256 image of grayscale uniform noise

  • 256x256 perlin grayscale, 3 octaves to "image.png":
$ ./png -g perlin --size 256,256 --octaves 3 "image.png"

256x256 image og grayscale perlin noise, 3 octaves


Output 1 or 2 dimensional noise as text to standard out.

Usage: text OPTIONS [FILE ...]
Available options:
  -h, --help                Print this help text
  -s, --size ROWS[,COLUMNS] The size of the noise as a comma-separated list in row-major order
                            [Default: (3 3)]
  -o, --octaves ARG         Number of octaves to use for perlin noise [Default: 1]
  -p, --persistence ARG     Weight of each octave relative to the last [Default: 0.5]
  -w, --sample-width ARG    Noise sample size [Default: 8.0]
  -g, --generator ARG       Specifies the noise generation function
                            One of [`UNIFORM', `PERLIN', `SIMPLEX'] [Default: perlin]
  -k, --ken-perlin-perm     Whether to use Ken Perlins original permutation
  --offset Y[,X]            Offset of first noise data point from origin [Default: (0 0)]
  • 4 values of uniform noise:
$ ./text --size 4 -g uniform
0.7695440824515019 -0.7537826533967542 0.6109767621066111 0.4594674938062311
  • 4x4 values of simplex noise offset to (5,5) using the Ken Perlin permutation:
$ ./text --size 4,4 --offset 5,5 -g simplex -k | column -t
0.33723438   0.6889363        0.2889931    0.6488647
0.49733528   0.2889949        -0.3244326   -0.6220379
0.5779881    0.0000005150496  0.49821177   0.07493882
-0.32443157  -0.4982115       -0.03746941  -0.13081408