Open source game engine with a soft body physics engine

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Another game engine?

There are dozens of great and feature-complete game engines already available on the market today, why develop another one? Is MATTER trying to compete with those?

Simply put, no. MATTER is a personal learning project being developed as a vessel for better understanding computer graphics and the physics involved in 3D game engines. I like making games, and I like programming. But more than those two things, I love challenges.


Documentation is sparse and incomplete, but is being continuously updated. You can find it here.

Project Structure

MATTER is split in to a couple different components. SOLID is the editor, LIQUID is the physics engine and PLASMA handles rendering. Any of the folders that aren't capitalized are not necessary to build and run the engine and mostly contain build chain specific scripts, config files, and documentation.

EDITOR/ contains all the resources used by SOLID such as fonts, themes, icons, etc. The EDITOR/resources directory needs to be copied to the same location as the SOLID executable for the editor to run.


MATTER uses Font Awesome Pro. Since this is a licensed font I cannot provide it as part of this repo. You will need to either purchase FA Pro or implement your own icon font using either the headers created by @juliettef or generate your own defines.

Build Status

MATTER is targetting Windows only at the moment. Support for Unix/macOS may come in the future but is not being prioritized as OpenGL support is poor at best. Therefore, the following table is referring to the specificed compilers running on Windows 10.

Compiler Arch Config Status
MSVC 17 x64 Debug
MSVC 17 x64 Release
MSVC 15 x64 Debug -
MSVC 15 x64 Release -
MinGW GCC 6 x64 Debug -
MinGW GCC 6 x64 Release -


This is a list of resources I've found helpful while developing MATTER.

Third Party Libraries

MATTER uses several third party libraries. License information can be found here: Third Party Licenses.


MATTER is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. All third party sources are licensed under their respective licenses detailed here.