This is a VERY TEMPORARY AND EXPERIMENTAL rails 3.1 project.
I am using it to decide what changes I need to make to the sprite-factory gem in upcoming v1.4.0 to make it fit better with the rails 3.1 asset pipeline
To use new version (1.4.0) of sprite-factory with rails 3.1 you should...
Plus its image library dependency (either rmagick or chunkypng)
group :assets do
# ...
gem 'sprite-factory', '>= 1.4.0'
gem 'chunky_png'
E.g. in lib/tasks/assets.rake
namespace :assets do
desc 'recreate sprite images and css'
task :resprite => :environment do
require 'sprite_factory' = true # output report during generation
SpriteFactory.library = :chunkypng # use simple chunkypng gem to handle .png sprite generation
SpriteFactory.layout = :packed # pack sprite sheets into optimized rectangles
SpriteFactory.csspath = "<%= asset_path '$IMAGE' %>" # ensure correct cache-busting urls are used within generated css file!('app/assets/images/avatars', :output_style => 'app/assets/stylesheets/avatars.css.erb')!('app/assets/images/icons', :output_style => 'app/assets/stylesheets/icons.css.erb', :selector => 'img.icon_')
NOTE: the :csspath option embeds erb into the generated css file to allow Rails to provide the correct path to the images, along with cache-busting version numbers if necessary.
NOTE: the :output_style option is used to override the default behavior and instead of generating the css file alongside the image, it saves it in the
folder so that it will automatically get picked up by the rails asset pipeline. It is also given a .erb extension to tell the asset pipeline to process with ERB in order to evaluate the #asset_path calls.
E.g. in application_helper.rb
def sprite_tag(klass, options = {})
image_tag('s.gif', {:class => klass, :alt => klass}.merge(options))
Somewhere in a view, lets show a sprite
<%= sprite_tag('icon_email') %>
<%= sprite_tag('avatar7') %>
Run your rake task to generate the unified .png and .css files
bundle exec rake assets:resprite
View your page in a browser