
Base on Tencent MMKV high-performance key-value storage framework. Implement Node.js

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Base on Tencent MMKV high-performance key-value storage framework. Implement Node.js.


  • Node.js v16.x, NAPI version 8
  • cmake
  • C++


npm install --save-dev nodejs-mmkv

// or

yarn add nodejs-mmkv -S

You can use it on Electron. The first step to setup cmake compile configuration:

npm config set cmake_node_runtime="electron" # eg: node|iojs|nw|electron
npm config set cmake_node_runtimeversion="x.y.z" # eg: 18.3.5
npm config set cmake_node_arch="x64"  # eg: x64|ia32|arm

and run command on your project

yarn install

// or

npm install


const MMKVModule = require("nodejs-mmkv");
const path = require("path");

const mmkv = new MMKVModule({
  rootDir: path.join(__dirname, "./mmkv"),
  id: "com.node.mmkv",

// and you can create multiple instance
const logMMKV = new MMKVModule({
  rootDir: path.join(__dirname, "./mmkv"),
  id: "com.app.log",


constructor(options: MMKVModuleOptions)

MMKVModule constructor, options is required.

options properties:

  • rootDir: File saved path.[required]
  • id: mmap id, default: mmkv.default[optional]
  • multiProcess: Enable multi process, default: false[optional]
  • cryptKey: encryption key[optional]
  • logLevel: log level, default: info[optional]

setString: (key: string, value: string) => boolean | undefined;

Set a string value to storage.

getString: (key: string) => string | undefined;

Get a string value from storage.

setBoolean: (key: string, value: boolean) => boolean | undefined;

Set a boolean value to storage.

getBoolean: (key: string) => boolean | undefined;

Get a boolean value from storage.

setNumber: (key: string, value: number) => boolean | undefined;

Set a number value to storage.

getNumber: (key: string) => number | undefined;

Get a number value from storage.

containsKey: (key: string) => boolean | undefined;

Check if the given key exists in storage.

getKeys: () => string[] | undefined;

Get all keys from storage.

removeKey: (key: string) => void;

Remove given key and value in storage.

clearMemoryCache: () => void;

Clear memory cache.

clearAll: () => void;

Clear all keys and values in storage.


This library is licensed under the MIT license.