
A simple packet analyzer/sniffer intercepts and log traffic that passes over a network on multiple network interfaces.

Primary LanguageGo

Packet Analyzer

  • A simple packet analyzer/sniffer , intercepts and log traffic that passes over a network.
  • Supports live packet capture from multiple network interfaces (using goroutines) and packet filtering. You can also save the captured traffic to a file and analyze later using a program like wireshark.
  • Why a packet sniffer ? Just another understanding computers(networking) exercise.


Available Commands:
  capture      Capture packets
  help         Help about any command
  list_devices Listen network devices

  -h, --help   help for root


Capture packets

  root capture [flags]

  -d, --devices stringArray   Devices to capture on
  -f, --file string           Pcap file
  -F, --filter string         BPF filter
  -h, --help                  help for capture
  -N, --max_packets int       Maximum number of packets to capture


  • To capture traffic on eth0 and wlan0 with BPF filter tcp and port 8000 and save to file out.pcap
go run main.go capture -d wlan0 -d eth0 -f out.pcap - F 'tcp and port 8000'
