
In Alien Invasion, the player controls a ship that appears at the bottom center of the screen. The player can move the ship right and left using the arrow keys and shoot bullets using the spacebar. When the game begins, a fleet of aliens fills the sky and moves across and down the screen. The player shoots and destroys the aliens. If the player shoots all the aliens, a new fleet appears that moves faster than the previous fleet. If any alien hits the player’s ship or reaches the bottom of the screen, the player loses a ship. If the player loses three ships, the game ends.

First phase development

A ship that can move right and left.

Second phase development

Ship should be able to fire bullets when the player presses the spacebar.

Third phase develoment

Attention to the aliens and refine the gameplay.

How to Install Pygame in Python3

python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user

To run the game in terminal
