
Follow-along repo for my JavaScript ORM library blog.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


README (no, really)


This repo and blog post uses postgres (because I know nothing [else]). If you already have a different RDBMS, I would recommend following along with PostgreSQL for now, and the knowledge should transfer as the ORM libraries we cover support most of the popular RDBMS out there.

If you don't have NodeJS installed, I recommend going to their website and following their instructions

Cloning this repository

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone via SSH or HTTP

Navigating This Repo

There are currently two directories corresponding to two different methods:

  • The node-postgres method of connecting with a database in /method_pg
  • The Sequelize method of connecting with a database in /method_sequelize

As you follow along with the blog post you can navigate to the relevant directory and follow the instructions in the README to run the server and the front end application.