
User Stories

  • I as a reader want to view content on the website
  • I as an admin/writer want to login/logout on the website
  • I as an admin/writer want to add/modify/delete content on the website
    • A simple page
    • A blog entry
  • I as an admin want to add/modify/delete a writer/admin to the site (V2)
  • I as an admin want to add/modify/delete menu items (V2)
  • I as an admin want to reorder menu items
  • I as an admin want to install the website
    • Create initial admin user
    • Set up initial database


  • User
    • Name
    • Last name
    • Login
    • Password
    • Session ID
    • Session expiration time
    • Role
  • Content
    • Title
    • Content
    • Type (Page/Blogentry)
    • Timestamp modified
  • Menu entry
    • Label
    • Target (page)


  • Usercontroller (V2)
    • CRUD
    • Login
    • Logout
    • Get by session ID
  • Pagecontroller
    • CRUD
  • Blogentrycontroller
    • CRUD


  • Menuentryservice
    • Show
    • Save order
  • Permissionservice
    • Is allowed to ...
  • Databaseservice
  • Factory
    • Get service XYZ


  • All blogentries
  • Single blogentry/page
  • Login
  • Dashboard
  • Page/blogentry
    • List
    • Create
    • Edit
    • Delete

Page sections

  • Header
    • Page name
    • Menu
  • Content
  • Footer