
This program allows for scripted DNS update on a OpenWRT-installed router Note that it requires a rsa key set up on the router (.ssh/authorized_keys) to allow the script ssh access

You can also use the script to change a local DNS address (OS X) if you want to view Netflix U.S. on your own PC Currently only a single HTTP site is polled for DNS data


Clone the git repo, make sure the main program updateDNSregion.rb is runnable:

chmod +x updateDNSregion.rb
./updateDNSregion.rb # sets Netflix DNS to U.S.
./updateDNSregion --reset # resets config
./updateDNSregion --local # makes change on local Mac
./updateDNSregion --help # shows more options


  • Rsa key generation script build in on 1st run?
  • better user interaction support (ask for basic settings, e.g. router url, rsa key location on 1st run)

See or (GUI-version) for instructions on getting this excellent open source router software!