- 2
- 1
#133 opened by mariusbommert - 1
ecr::evaluateFitness fails if package is not loaded
#132 opened by be-marc - 5
Error with evaluateFitness()
#130 opened by kevinwolz - 0
- 0
Monitor with ecr function
#128 opened by neverfox - 3
#127 opened by mariusbommert - 1
- 1
Cleanup indicators
#99 opened by jakobbossek - 1
Add more literature references to functions
#83 opened by jakobbossek - 2
updateParetoArchive does not consider bi-/multiobjective optimization directions
#126 opened by thllwg - 0
Suggestion: Export getter functions
#124 opened by dandls - 0
print.ecr_recombinator() prints number of parents instead of number of children
#125 opened by dandls - 1
- 2
- 1
replaceMuCommaLambda in multi-objective case leads to subscript out of bounds error
#122 opened by dandls - 0
- 0
- 1
Difference between "Probability of mutation of each gene" and "Probability to apply mutation to a child"
#93 opened by kevinwolz - 0
Better documentation of eta parameter for different mutation/recombination functions.
#92 opened by kevinwolz - 1
- 3
Issue with rgl on travis
#105 opened by jakobbossek - 2
- 3
mutPolynomial gives useless results
#113 opened by mb706 - 1
- 1
n.selector is not considered by selDomHV
#106 opened by thllwg - 2
selectForMating does not work with selectors that support both single- and multiobjective
#111 opened by mb706 - 1
Stray debug printer in selectForMating
#112 opened by mb706 - 0
Give an error when single-objective selector is used with multi-objective fitness
#108 opened by mb706 - 2
Segfault in computeHVContr with only one point
#109 opened by mb706 - 1
Finish PA dataprocessing helpers
#103 opened by jakobbossek - 2
data.frame helpers explode and implode
#86 opened by jakobbossek - 1
- 1
- 1
mutInversion roxygen is missing '@family mutators'
#100 opened by mb706 - 2
parameter check in mutPolynomial doesn't check 'upper'
#101 opened by mb706 - 7
selector functions not working?
#90 opened by kevinwolz - 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
How to view code of mutators/selectors?
#91 opened by kevinwolz - 1
Unify EMOA assessment method naming
#85 opened by jakobbossek - 2
parameter mu in smsemoa
#89 opened by mariusbommert - 0
generalize applyStatisticalTests
#87 opened by jakobbossek - 1
Documentation for applyStatisticalTests
#78 opened by jakobbossek - 1
Reduce mcMST data set size
#82 opened by jakobbossek - 1
- 1
wrapper for emoa indicators
#79 opened by jakobbossek - 1
Add option type to toLatex function
#77 opened by jakobbossek - 0