
A personal, opinionated collection of useful tools for working in development


  1. Clone the repository to your homefolder.
  2. Add the folder to your PATH.


These utilities, especially the vagrant_* commands, make a couple of assumptions on how your system is organised:

  1. Your projects are all ~/code/*. For example, a project named "waterbus" on my PC would be in /Users/jakobbuis/code/waterbus.
  2. All projects have their web roots in ./code/{name}/public. Moving the web root will require manual tuning.
  3. You have a single Homestead installation for all projects, and it's located in ~/homestead.
  4. You have DNSMasq or similar installed and all your projects are reachable over http://{name}.test.

Available utilities

Vagrant utilities


Restarts your vagrant machine to ensure that it is running.


Opens a ssh-connection to your default homestead install from any directory. Once logged-in to the vagrant machine, this will immediately run cd code/{dirname} where dirname is the name of the current folder you're in.

vagrant_provision [name]

Update Laravel Homestead configuration for the project, and open it in your browser.

Git utilities

vfs [ticket number] [description]
vfs [ticket number]

Fetches changes, and creates a new feature branch using common conventions. The description is optional, and must be in kebab-case without the leading dash.


Create a tagged release and deploy it to staging and production.