Advent of Code 2020

My solutions for Advent of Code 2020. I like to use Advent of Code to get some practice on languages which I haven't used a lot of. This year, I was satisfied with using Rust, so I didn't really try write in other languages as much as I planned. I might write additional solutions in other languages sometime later.

Day Rust F# Kotlin Python
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Running code

cargo run --release -p day-01-rust

Testing code

cargo test -p day-01-rust

Create new day

cargo new -p day-25-rust


Running code in F#

cd day-05-fsharp
dotnet run

Create new day in F#

mkdir day-25-fsharp
cd day-25-fsharp
dotnet new console --language F#
# Also, don't forget about declaring namespace and module in the file!

Other language candidates

  • Ruby or Crystal too see what Ruby feels like?
  • Zig or Go to learn another systems language?
  • Compile-time C++?
  • PHP to test out the PHP 8 JIT?
  • SIC/XE assembly for some quality time spent writing assembly?
  • PREV? Lox? Own language?