
I wanted to learn a compiled statically typed language and so far Java is looking like a prime candidate.


  1. Widespread.
  2. Years worth of documentation.
  3. Springboot & Hibernate ORM also well documented.
  4. Knowing Java can segway into Android Development.
  5. Simillar to C# in syntax and conventions.


  1. Test suites look pretty complicated.
  2. While it holds the biggest market share, new development for Java doesn't seem proportional.
  3. C# would be a better choice for game design, because of it's adoption by game engines; unity and unreal.

this exercise covered:

  1. OOP
  2. Setter and Getters
  3. Demonstrates use of class types
  4. Implements interfaces.
  5. Communication between classes.
  6. Uses 4 pillars of classes; encapsulation, polymorphism, inheretence, abstraction. "# cardealarship-java"