
Running the application in dev mode

You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:

sudo docker run -ti --rm -p 27017:27017 mongo:4.4

For running MongoDB database

mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --apiVersion 1 --username jakobniinja

NOTE: Quarkus now ships with a Dev UI, which is available in dev mode only at http://localhost:8080/q/dev/.# quarkus-friutmix

To start Docker

sudo docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm -t quarkus/code-with-quarkus-jvm .
sudo docker run -i --rm -p 8081:8081 quarkus/code-with-quarkus-jvm

Daily log

15/7 - installed mongodb on aws ec2 instance and accepted all inbound ip-addresses in mongodb atlas
16/7 - added swagger to production build
16/7 - delete all fruits now working
16/7 - TODO: fix a global counter for id's - uuid is behaving weird
21/7 - Global counter impl
21/7 - TODO: create a fruit validation for duplicate name 

22/7 - Fruit is now getting validate every request
22/7 - TODO: map validation and duplicate key error to status code with short and sweet desc
23/7 - TODO: decline on user create fruit with existing name in database

23/7 - done: decline on user create fruit with existing name in database
22/7 - done: impl validation mapping with exception mapper

22/7 - TODO: impl find, search and sort for fruits with streams
24/7 - just updated git to show commits

27/7 - added microprofile feature metric and added a simple counter for test.
27/7 - TODO: should i add 200/500 counter for each fruit service?
27/7 - TODO: is promethus and grafana intregration valuable?

30/7 - learnt about restassured and jersey testing 
ps. jersey didn't work as expected 
31/7 - removed jersey test and worked out how to kick in the exception mapper 😎

2/8 - coverage is 97% i will make it 100%
2/8 - did finally make it 100% coverage but a somewhat resilient approach
ps. FruitResourceTest and DuplicateKeyExceptionTest Intermittent fails if you run from the test/java package
TODO: learn how to write unit test in Quarkus framework