
Advanced Web Mapping @ Oregon State University

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GEOG571: Advanced Web Mapping

Instructor: Bo Zhao, zhao2@oregonstate.edu | Office Hours: M 1600 - 1900 or by appt. @WLKN 210

Lecture: MWF 0900 - 0950 @WLKN 210 | Lab: T 1200 to 1350 @WLKN 210

Catalog course description: WEB MAPPING (4).

Concepts and techniques of web programming, digital storytelling, online project management, and web-based cartographic principles for eveloping, evaluating, and using web maps. Lec/lab.

Welcome to GEOG571:Web Mapping 🌎! This course introduces concepts and techniques of web programming, digital storytelling, online project management, and web-based cartographic principles for developing, evaluating, and using web maps. To promote the equal access to web mapping technology, we ensure all the web mapping applications from course materials can be opened, debugged or further developed in either Windows or Mac OSX operating systems, and all the relevant software or services are either open source or free. This course is comprised of two major components, including lectures and lab exercises. The lectures focus on the theories and principles behind web mapping, including system architecture, responsive user graphic design, map design and geo-narrative. The lab exercises focus on practical skills for web programming, 2d and 3d web mapping, web mapping services, and digital storytelling. In addition, there will be random quizzes focusing on prior lecture materials, a mid-term focusing on basic concepts and web programming techniques. Although there is no final exam, but each student is expected to design a web map and deploy it to an openly accessible server (e.g., GitHub). From this course, students can learn both the principles of web-based cartography and the practical skills for web mapping, and develop the capabilities of map aesthetics and critique. The course schedule might be slightly changed due to the rate of progress, the latest schedule will be on the github repository frontpage. If you have any question about this course, feel free to contact Dr. Bo Zhao for more information. 🙋

Gear up the Working Environment 💻 ☁️ 🌎 🍺

Week Lecture (M) Lecture (W) Lab (M) Lecture (F) Reading
Wk 01 Intro to the Course, Gear Up! ⚙️ Internet Fundamentals Lab 1: Project Management for Web Mapping Intro to Web Mapping Markdown, Links and Command Lines
Wk 02 Web Programming Basics I: HTML 5 and CSS System Architecture for Web Mapping Lab 2: Web Programming Basics II: Javascript Web Programming Basics III: JQuery HTML, CSS and Javascript
Wk 03 MLK Day Web Programming Basics IV: Debugging, debugging, and ✔️Final Project Guidelines Lab 3: Web Map Design Spatial Data for Web Mapping, , and ✔️ Proposal Cont'd with last week's reanding and Leaflet and GeoJson
Wk 04 Map Client I: Basics and Geographic Features Map Client II: Map Events and Mashup Lab 3: Cont'd Map Client III: Web Map Interaction, and ✔️ Data Source GeoServer Documentation
Wk 05 Map Server I: Base Map Design using Mapbox Map Server II: Intro to GeoServer, 🚀 Quiz 01 Lab 4: Basemap Design Map Server III: Web Map Services, 🚀 Quiz 02 Bing Map Tile, WFS and WMS
Wk 06 Map Server IV: Map Tiles 🚀 Quiz 03 preparation for mid-term Lab 4: Cont'd Map Design I: Web Template and Framework Bootstrap Documentation
Wk 07 📖 Midterm Exam Map Design II: Bootstrap Lab 5: Story Map Storytelling with Web Map I Web Map Design Principles
Wk 08 Storytelling with Web Map II, cont'd with the last lecture Map Design III: User Friendly Design Principles Lab 5: Cont'd ✈️ 3D Web Mapping I: Basics Cesium Documentation
Wk 09 3D Web Mapping I: Basics cont'd Map Design IV: Map Critiques Lab 6: Thematic Map on a Virtual Globe Real-Time Mapping: TweetMap Server-Side JavaScript
Wk 10 Emerging Topics on Web Mapping Final Project Discussion and Preparation Final Project Discussion and Preparation Final Project Discussion and Preparation Elwood et al. (2012), Sui and Zhao (2015)
Wk 11 Final Project Presentation Digital Earth Lab (Wilkinson 203) March 19th during Noon to 2pm


Course Project ⭐


Programming Languages

Html, CSS, Javascript, and Markdown

Desktop Software

Chrome, Atom, QGIS, and GeoServer

Web Services

GitHub, jsfiddle, Mapbox, W3Schools, and geojson.io

Libraries for Web Mapping

Jquery, Bootstrap, Leaflet, Storymap.js, and Cesium

Previous Years

2017 Fall

2017 Winter


This course material is maintained by the Cartography and Geovisualization Group at Oregon State University. Some of the material in this course are based on the classes taught at MIT and Penn State University and I have heavily drawn on materials and examples found online and tried our best to give credit by linking to the original source. Please contact us if you find materials where the credit is missing or that you would rather have removed.