
Raspbian lite with fully preemptive real-time kernel 5.10. This repo follows the official methodology to cross compile the kernel as explained here

In addition to building the kernel, this repo also offers a raspbian lite sd card image with the built kernel ready to be used on a raspberry pi.

User Guide

How to build the sdcard image

Clone this repository and run make. It will create a folder build with a zipped sdcard image.

How to customize the kernel image

Run make custom. You will get a shell to a container. Then run:

cd /rpi-rt-kernel/linux
make menuconfig

After you have done any customization to the kernel, a new .config file is created, which needs to be copied out of the container. Run the following command in a separate terminal and replace the .config file from this repo with the one you are extracting from the running container:

docker cp your-container:/rpi-rt-kernel/linux/.config .config

Exit the container and run make again to get a new sdcard image.


Please check the issues tab for TO DOs.

Update Dockerfile to newest Raspbian OS and/or patch versions.

If you want to use a newer Raspberry Pi OS version than is in the Dockerfile: