
new uBraids 8hp braids with sliders.

uBraids II;

8hp version of Braids.

PCB redesign by J. Matheson. it works with the same firmware, added LED sliders for the 2 oscillator parameters, and drivers to indicate input CVs

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First there was uBraids, the uModule that started all this Insanity, then Talldog's uBraids SE, with a better display and no AVR programming, now with the same good display and a new easy to use layout, uBraids II!

the main board is easier than the original uBraids, but the display board might be a bit difficult for those new at SMT soldering,

although the display board is almost the same as talldog's one, it will not fit, there are cutouts for the screws. if you have one you want to use, and modify it for the screws to fit, It will cut a trace that will have to be re-routed with a wire.