
Archive of data shared on www.plumed-nest.org

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


This repository contains archives of data shared on PLUMED-NEST from papers by Jakub Rydzewski jr@fizyka.umk.pl.

All the data and PLUMED input files required to reproduce the results reported in the following papers are available on PLUMED-NEST, the public repository of the PLUMED consortium.

See: The PLUMED consortium: A community effort to promote openness, transparency and reproducibility in molecular simulations, Submitted (2019).




  • J. Rydzewski, and W. Nowak, Thermodynamics of Camphor Migration in Cytochrome P450cam by Atomistic Simulations, Sci. Rep. 7, 7736 (2017)