
Primary LanguageTypeScript

SVGR React Native Demo

This demo shows off Icons code generation using SVGR CLI from multiple SVG assets.



This project uses blank React Native Typescript Template generated with:

npx react-native init <PROJECT_NAME> --template react-native-template-typescript

All we need to do to setup SVGR is to create two config files:

  1. .svgrrc.js - contains SVGR configuration, can be written in .yml format also
  2. .svgo.yml - contains SVGO configuration. SVGO is underlying SVG optimizer tool.


.svgrrc.js - Read more about all possible options in the docs

module.exports = {
  icon: false, // sets default width and height to be 1em, not usefull in rn
  native: true,
  typescript: true,
  dimensions: false, // removes initial width and height
  expandProps: 'end', // where to place props passed to icon
  ref: true, // use React.forwardRef()
  memo: true, // use React.memo()
  svgProps: { // default svg props
    width: 46,
    height: 46,
    fill: '#000',

.svgo.yml - Read more about SVGO config in the docs

    attrs: 'path:fill' # remove fill attribute from generated <Path />
  sortAttrs: true # improves readability
  removeXMLNS: true 

package.json script that uses above config

  "scripts": {
    "icons": "npx @svgr/cli -d src/icons assets"

Lets break it down - npx @svgr/cli -d <OUTPUT_DIR> <INPUT_DIR>.


  1. Place all svg assets into specified assets folder
  2. Run yarn icons or npm run icons
  3. Use generated Icon Components e.g. <Icon width={30} height={30} fill="red" /> 🎉

Notes for icon designers

Although SVGR does a great job at converting asset svg names to ComponentNames its important to note that icon naming inside Figma is critical.

Therefore please avoid any special characters in icon names except '-'.