
Reproduction of issue with Next.js v14.0.2 and higher (up to at least v14.0.4-canary.11), where the @pathfinder-ide/react package can not be included in an app router page because of failed imports.

How to observe the error

  • Start a build with pnpm build
  • Observer the following error
Attempted import error: 's' is not exported from './index-95c7a92d.js' (imported as 'ee').
  • Downgrade from Next v14.0.3 (same error in v14.0.4-canary.11) to v14.0.1 pnpm add next@14.0.1
  • Run pnpm build again
  • Observe that the build passed. You can als pnpm start and visit the page to see that the IDE is properly instantiated.