
GAD🦎 - Application for learning testing GUI and API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This application (called 🦎 GAD) was prepared and developed only for testing purposes. It provides:

  • GUI
  • Swagger Doc

This application contains simple logic, statistics, charts, games, different resources, deliberately prepared bugs🐛 and various challenges.

Thanks to this configuration, we are able to reflect real project reality😉

P.S. In addition, the application has some serious design flaws - I wonder if you will notice them?😉


Features of 🦎 GAD:

  • GUI (front-end)
  • REST API (back-end)
  • Swagger Doc
  • Simple DataBase (json) with REST API endpoints to clear/restore all data
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • User <-> resources logic (calculations, statistics)
  • Different data presentation (charts, tables etc.)
  • Feature flags configurable from UI!
  • Dynamic config
  • Challenging elements for test automation (iframes, file uploads, drag&drop, likes, labels, logic on front-end and back-end, games etc.)
  • Admins "backoffice" with additional tools and functionalities


Instructions how to deploy presented service to various free hosting sites.

Deploy on Local


  • node.js installed in system


  1. Open project root directory in cmd/terminal
  2. Run npm i
  3. Run npm run start

Application will be available at http://localhost:3000

Deploy to Glitch

No account needed - but your project will be deleted in 5 days.

After clicking button below wait a minute or two to finish deployment.

Remix on Glitch

To see website:

  • go to bottom buttons
  • click 🔎PREVIEW
  • choose 👯Preview in a new window

Deploy to Render

Deploy to Render

  • name your app
  • hit Apply
  • wait a while and click link to project GUI API Demo
  • click link to open app (under project name and repository)
  • enjoy 750 free hours of service per month

Deploy using Docker image

This method can be used:

  • locally
  • in CI/CD services (GitHub Actions, GitLab CI etc.)


On local environment:

  • latest Docker is installed


Just run following command to get latest image:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -d jaktestowac/gad

or specific version:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -d jaktestowac/gad:2.1

Application should be running under http://localhost:3000/

Image is available at: hub.docker.com/repository/docker/jaktestowac