
Projekt z webinaru "Testy zależne w Playwright"

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Exercises for training dependent tests handling.

All exercises have detailed descriptions available after signing here: https://jaktestowac.pl/pw-strategie/ You will get link to recording of full webinar, presentation and tips (in Polish language).

Tested app

Information how to get tested app is located in page available after registering here https://jaktestowac.pl/pw-strategie/

⚠️ Glitch free account is limited to 4k requests per hour, app is deleted after 5 days without account

Required software

  • Node.js
  • Visual Studio Code
  • extensions for VSC:
    • Prettier - Code formatter
    • Playwright Test for VSCode

How to install project

  1. Install packages:

    npm i
  2. Install playwright browsers:

    npx playwright install
  3. Configure playwright.config.json

    • Set baseURL to your app main url.
    • Set timeout to desired value (current 20s can be to short)

How to run tests

There are few ways of test running:

  1. Navigate to folder with given exercise an simply run test by pressing green arrow
  2. Open Testing tab located in left menu (flask icon), unfold all tests and choose one or as many as you want to be run. If test not appears, refresh tab or check playwright.config.ts if you have everything set properly with projects section.
  3. Run npm scripts by copy pasting scripts form package.json form scripts section.
  4. Yse VSC npm script run section:
    • in Explorer tab menu check NPM Scripts
    • in very bottom of Explorer tab you will find section NPM SCRIPTS
    • choose script you want to run

⚠️ How to run test with projects (part5-projects)

  1. Go to playwright.config.ts
  2. In projects comment first item under // No dependency
  3. Uncomment item related to exercise i.e. Part5 Ex1 Simple dependency in project
  4. Run tests for given exercises from part5-projects folder in i.e tests\part5-projects\ex1-projects-simple.spec.ts
  5. After finishing testing remember to comment back project item in playwright.config.ts and uncomment first project item


Just run script form package.json:

npm run report

Recommended option is running this script in separate console.

After running test the report is updated and you can refresh page with report


  • run same tests couple times (if it works)
  • check reports and traces
  • broke test and try to find problem in report
  • ⚠️ be careful with test with projects (part 5)