
A quick generic template aimed to get you going without fumbling over small repeated configs

The UnlicenseUnlicense

TypeScript template repository

A quick minimal template aimed to get you going without fumbling over small repeated configs.

This template is geared primarily towards JavaScript/TypeScript projects and editing with Visual Studio Code. If your project/workspace is something different, it is advised you go over the template contents and configure it for your needs.

Template preferences

This template is opinionated, which means that it's configured for the following:

  • All line endings are \n (LF) instead of \r\n (CRLF).
  • Visual Studio Code should use the typescript version located in node_modules (if installed)


  • .gitignore - Git Ignore File
  • .gitattributes - Git Attributes File
    • Configured to ensure all text files are not treated as binaries.
    • Code files are formatted with LF line endings
  • .vscode/settings.json - Workspace settings for Visual Studio Code
    • Treat all code files to end with LF line endings.
    • Use node_modules/typescript version if installed (this ensures consistent Type Checking across development environments which may have different Visual Studio Code versions installed)

How to use it

GitHub page of jakub-studio/template-repository showing the 'Use this template' feature

Click `Use this template` on the top right of this repository on GitHub web and then click either:
  1. Create a new repository
  2. Create a new codespace

Option 1 is recommended for most users unless you are specifically using GitHub codespaces for your project

Next steps

After you have created a new repository from this template, it is advised to do the following:

  • Update the README.md file to reflect your project
  • Update the LICENSE file to reflect your project
    • The template uses The Unlicense. It is important that you change this to a license of your choosing unless you wish to use The Unlicense. If you are unfamiliar with open source licensing, I suggest you give this website a visit.
  • Run npm init within the project folder
  • Run npm i typescript (if using TypeScript)

After that, you are good to go! Happy coding!

Any issues or suggestions? Feel free to open an issue or a pull request!