A small JS library for beautiful drawing and handwriting on the HTML Canvas.
- 5
Right click triggers stroke start event
#111 opened by Innders - 5
Override devicePixelRatio scaling
#110 opened by Innders - 7
Undo implementation
#71 opened by nidoro - 3
Feature Request: Set brush opacity
#109 opened by Innders - 7
[question] cursor position + canvas CSS
#106 opened by nichoth - 5
Bundling Atrament with vite shows warning:
#103 opened by ak37165 - 0
Bundle Fill worker as separate package
#104 opened by jakubfiala - 0
Diagonal line from top left
#101 opened by nichoth - 1
Click creates a line in top left corner
#99 opened by nichoth - 4
Can only undo for one step
#98 opened by oyuntuayC - 3
Just add some text labelling for drawings
#96 opened by Easy-Cloud-in - 1
Fix demo link in readme
#95 opened by matthewhartman - 8
Unable to draw on Android Chrome Browser
#36 opened by Ben76 - 2
- 1
Add support for advanced `Touch` properties
#92 opened by jakubfiala - 5
- 2
Adaptive stroke causes flood fill artifacts
#94 opened by jakubfiala - 1
Test rendering with WebGL
#90 opened by jakubfiala - 1
Use a WebWorker for fill mode
#26 opened by jakubfiala - 1
Bundle with Rollup
#89 opened by jakubfiala - 2
How to retain smoothing effect in SVG when programmatically creating SVG from stroke data
#64 opened by jkhaui - 1
Online Demo Error
#86 opened by David-Carty - 4
- 4
Realtime draw updates
#77 opened by profispojka - 2
question about layers/transparency
#74 opened by ndmetrick - 1
- 2
Save strokes with uniform sizes
#57 opened by uriberto - 1
Add a "disable" option for drawing mode.
#60 opened by uriberto - 2
- 4
Stream the canvas as the drawing is made
#51 opened by MisterDA - 1
opacity does not work
#52 opened by alireza23 - 2
Unable to save the canvas background color.
#35 opened by Ben76 - 1
Library should not add event listener on document
#50 opened by stmn - 1
- 3
- 2
Erase does not work
#47 opened by davidlr99 - 1
mouse position is not recorded on mouseup, so replaying or undoing strokes dosent' work.
#46 opened by coranos - 3
Clarify how to access Atrament class
#31 opened by raphinesse - 8
- 4
#34 opened by nielshoogendoorn - 3
Accept options object in constructor
#32 opened by raphinesse - 1
Single input is sometimes ignorned
#33 opened by BillyBlaze - 3
Do not reset canvas size to 500x500
#30 opened by raphinesse - 2
Fill bucket doesn't work on mobile chrome
#37 opened by rubenanton90 - 1
- 1
chore: eslint
#18 opened by rubenstolk - 4
- 2
saving and opening a drawing
#27 opened - 2
- 1
Bug on Edge Browser, after changing to a new color, and then drawing, the color picker opens when mouse is released
#20 opened by javismiles