
Those missing flavors of dict

Primary LanguagePython


Those dict flavours that you have probably thought of at some point. Zero dependencies.


pip install those-dicts


Below you may find examples of behavior under normal dist-style usage of those_dicts. Essentially those are dicts but with a twist.

from those_dicts import BatchedDict, GraphDict, TwoWayDict, OOMDict

my_batched_dict = BatchedDict(nested=True)
client1 = dict(name='Lieutenant', surname='Kowalski',
               address=dict(street='Funny Avenue', city='Elsewhere'))
client2 = dict(name='Thomas', surname='Dison',
               address=dict(street='Lightbulb St.', city='Elsewhere'))
# >>> my_batched_dict['name']
# ['Lieutenant', 'Thomas']
# >>> my_batched_dict['address']
# {'street': ['Funny Avenue', 'Lightbulb St.'], 'city': ['Elsewhere', 'Elsewhere']}

my_graph_dict = GraphDict(Warsaw='Katowice', Katowice='Gdansk', Gdansk='Warsaw')
flights_to_germany = dict(Warsaw='Berlin', Katowice='Frankfurt')
flights_from_germany = dict(Berlin='Warsaw', Frankfurt='Katowice')
# >>> my_graph_dict['Warsaw']
# {'Berlin', 'Katowice'}
# >>> my_graph_dict['Berlin']
# 'Warsaw'

my_twoway_dict = TwoWayDict({('Eric', 'Doe'): ('Ella', 'Moon')})
# >>> my_twoway_dict[('Ella', 'Moon')] == ('Eric', 'Doe')
# True
# >>> my_twoway_dict[('Eric', 'Doe')] == ('Ella', 'Moon')
# True
new_marriage_after_divorce = {('Ella', 'Moon'): ('Benny', 'Hills')}
# >>> my_twoway_dict[('Ella', 'Moon')] == ('Benny', 'Hills')
# True
# >>> my_twoway_dict[('Eric', 'Doe')] is None
# True

from some_lib import ObjWithDefinedSize

my_oom_dict = OOMDict(max_ram_entries=10)
my_oom_dict.update([str(k): ObjWithDefinedSize(mb_size=k) for k in range(1000)])
# first 10 objects are in RAM, the rest is on the disk

del my_oom_dict # clears the disk also

Getting Started


When you want to aggregate multiple dicts:

from those_dicts import BatchedDict

my_batched_dict = BatchedDict()
my_batched_nested = BatchedDict(nested=True)
client1 = dict(name='Lieutenant', surname='Kowalski',
               address=dict(street='Funny Avenue', city='Elsewhere'))
client2 = dict(name='Thomas', surname='Dison',
               address=dict(street='Lightbulb St.', city='Elsewhere'))
# or equivalently, because it is a dict
my_batched_dict = BatchedDict(name='Lieutenant', surname='Kowalski',
                              address=dict(street='Funny Avenue', city='Elsewhere'))
my_batched_nested = BatchedDict(nested=True, name='Lieutenant', surname='Kowalski',
                                address=dict(street='Funny Avenue', city='Elsewhere'))
# >>> my_batched_dict 
# {'name': ['Lieutenant', 'Thomas'], 'surname': ['Kowalski', 'Dison'], 'address': [{'street': 'Funny Avenue', 'city': 'Elsewhere'}, {'street': 'Lightbulb St.', 'city': 'Elsewhere'}]}
# >>> my_batched_nested
# {'name': ['Lieutenant', 'Thomas'], 'surname': ['Kowalski', 'Dison'], 'address': {'street': ['Funny Avenue', 'Lightbulb St.'], 'city': ['Elsewhere', 'Elsewhere']}}

# straightforward aggregation use case
my_batched_dict = BatchedDict()
my_batched_dict['john_properties'] = 'car'
my_batched_dict['john_properties'] = 'bike'
my_batched_dict['john_properties'] = 'grill'
my_batched_dict['john_properties'] = 'gaming pc'
# >>> my_batched_dict['john_properties']
# ['car', 'bike', 'grill', 'gaming pc']
# >>> my_batched_dict['john_properties'].remove('grill')
# >>> my_batched_dict['john_properties']
# ['car', 'bike', 'gaming pc']

my_batched_dict['ella_properties'] = 'house'
my_batched_dict['ella_properties'] = 'garage'
# >>> my_batched_dict['ella_properties']
# ['house', 'garage']

Essentially it is a dict, so usage is intuitive.


When you want to create a mapping from one hashable to another hashable that may traverse further.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from those_dicts import GraphDict

class Building:
    coordinates: tuple[float, float]
    address: str
    elevation: float
    purpose: str
    history: str

# some big, hashable data structure    
class City:
    name: str
    country: str
    area: float
    population: int
    top_10_buildings: frozenset[Building]

warsaw = City('Warsaw', ...)
katowice = ...  # you get the point
gdansk = ...
berlin = ...
frankfurt = ...
my_graph_dict = GraphDict({warsaw: katowice, katowice: gdansk, gdansk: warsaw})
flights_to_germany = {warsaw: berlin, katowice: frankfurt}
flights_from_germany = {berlin: warsaw, frankfurt: katowice}
# >>> my_graph_dict[warsaw]
# {berlin, katowice}
# >>> my_graph_dict[berlin]
# warsaw
# >>> my_graph_dict
# {katowice: {2, 4}, warsaw: {0, 3}, gdansk: {1}, berlin: {1}, frankfurt: {0}}

GraphDict stores each hashable object only once - here everything is a key. Values are just index-wise references. This means a lot of memory savings for storing big objects.

GraphDict is compatible with dict, but with a twist(s) enlisted below:

  • .pop() method is computationally expensive, because forces reindexing all the values. Better to use del instead.
  • del graph_dict_instance[some_key] removes all links from and to given key, without removing key entry itself. Leaving (disconnected) key entry allows to keep unrelated indices in values as is (no reindexing).
  • .popitem() method is computationally expensive, because forces reindexing all the values, although not so expensive as .pop() because it returns the last key-value pair.
  • .keys() method returns a mapping proxy (like dict), but the definition of key here is: a node that has a corresponding value(s) (outgoing connection).
  • .values() method returns a mapping proxy (like dict), but the definition of value here is: a node that has a corresponding key (incoming connection).
  • .items() method returns a mapping proxy (like dict), but the definition of item here is: a pair of nodes (key-value manner) for every key that is either in keys() or in values().
  • .setdefault() raises NotImplementedError - use .get(key, default) instead.
  • .make_loops(keys: Optional[Iterable] = None) is new compared to dict - it adds connections to itself for every key provided or to all keys.
  • .delete_link(key, value) removes directed connection from key to value if exists. Do not influence existence of keys.
  • .disconnect(key, value) removes connection from key to value and from value to key if exist. Do not influence existence of keys.
  • .update() shall be used to update GraphDict like you would update regular dict.
  • .merge() shall be used to update GraphDict with another GraphDict.
  • .reindex() removes entries that are totally disconnected and updates indices stored in values for all entries (because deletion changes the order of keys).
  • .get_dict() returns regular dict with meaningful keys (that have other value than None).


It is a subclass of GraphDict that is restricted to have only exclusive two-way connections.
You can access value through its key and other way around.

Compared to GraphDict, .merge() and .make_loops() are raising NotImplementedError as those doesn't make sense for this class.


When you want to limit impact on RAM.

from those_dicts import OOMDict

my_oom_dict = OOMDict(max_ram_entries=10000)  # the default

for name, big_obj in big_obj_generator(num_obj=1000000):
    my_oom_dict[name] = big_obj

# everything above 10000 objects will be stored on the disk

Even if storage is split between RAM and disk, it is just a dict, so use it as usual.