
Experimental theming lib. Style your react-native-elements components once!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Small experimental theming library that provides easy to set defaults for react-native-elements lib - without performance penalty for doing so.


No batch styling

Ever wanted to change the fontFamily for every Text element in your app? I haven't found a way to do it - without passing it to every used component, all over the app.

Your styling can't reach library base components

You can style react-native-elements components for your app - but you can't style them once for the whole app - you can't override NewText component used in other components by react-native-elements, right? Well, turns out - there is a way.


Make Times New Roman the default font of your app:

import { getStyledComponents, TextOverwrite } from 'react-native-elements-defaults';

const { Button, List, ListItem, /* ... */ } = getStyledComponents([
    new TextOverwrite(StyleSheet.create({
        style: {
            fontFamily: 'Times New Roman',

This will place fontFamily: 'Times New Roman' on top of existing styles for Text component of react-native-elements lib, and replace the original Text in every other component (for example ListItem) with the overwritten one.

It's currently using react-native-elements at 0.19.0.

How it works?

It basicly uses require cache to override default exported components with ones that accepts external styling from react-native-elements.

Note: This is working library, meant to solve problems now. There are some POC already proposed about styling in react-native-elements repository, for example:

You should definitely monitor the status of those PRs.

Base idea

const defaultStyles = StyleSheet.create({
    text: {
        fontFamily: 'Times New Roman'

// import only the component module
const Text = require('react-native-elements/src/text/Text');

// simply wrap it with overwrite function
const TextDefault = Text.default;
let NewText = function (props) {
    let newProps = {
        style: props.style ? [...props.style, defaultStyles.text] : defaultStyles.text,

    // we're still calling the base component:
    return TextDefault.call(undefined, _.defaultsDeep(newProps, props));
NewText.propTypes = TextDefault.propTypes;
NewText.defaultProps = TextDefault.defaultProps;

// override old component (where the magic happens):
Text.default = NewText;

// require cache keeps the reference to Text object - that is now overriden,
// so all components that were using Text are now using wrapped one:
const elements = require('react-native-elements');

High level API

See Usage.

Internal low level API



  • You can only overwrite once: place your components in one file, and then refer to that file in your app.
  • This will affect your require cache: do NOT import react-native-elements in your app.
  • Order DO matter: for example you should overwrite Text component before other components that use it internally.


  • ./examples/expo basic usage of the lib with Expo

Running tests

git clone ...
cd lib
yarn && yarn run install:peers
yarn test