Terraform Infrastructure Template Seed (TITS)


This is an official STRV infrastructure template written in Terraform. It's the alternative to our CDK template.

High level architecture

An image is worth a thousand words: architecture

Are you interested in hands on experience? Jump right to the setup! By the way, I thought Brainboard is a great tool for drawing the Terraform architecture but I changed my mind. I don't recommend using it unless you want all your hair to fall out. You can choose alternatives such as Excalidraw or old good Draw.io.

The best practice is to separate environments on the account level. It comes out from the AWS Well-Architected Framework That's why there are three completely separated environments – dev, stg, and prod in the environments directory. Each of them is a standalone environment with its state file so environments don't see each other.

⚠️ Price of this minimalistic infrastructure is around $6 per day.

⚠️ At STRV, there is a DevOps team. It's you 🥳. Although we follow the least privilege principle, when deploying, you should have a role containing AdministratorAccess policy, whereas developers not working directly with infrastructure but with AWS services should have a role containing PowerUserAccess policy. See job functions guide.


We follow the SoC principle even in this infrastructure template. The template is fully modularized, which means there are just a few lines of code that are copy-pasted between environments and the true logic is inside of each module. This gives us the absolute power of what should be deployed in each environment since they are fully separated. It allows you to for example deploy a small database cluster with a cheap machine on the dev whereas on prod is deployed a full-featured big serverless beast with a ton of ACU, which is able to survive even the bigger load you can ever imagine.

Check out the README of all modules to get a basic understanding of what happens under the hood:

  • Common contains resources, which are needed probably for every project like ECR repository or OIDC role.
  • VPC contains all resources that are needed for fully-featured VPC like internet gateway, NAT gateways, routing tables, and many others.
  • Database contains database.
  • Service contains ECS cluster with a load balancer.
  • Remote Access contains resources to allow access to private components like the database. Bastion host and VPN serve that purpose.


The template contains four environments in total. A common environment that holds resources needed by the rest of the environments and three workload environments. Although there are four environments, the initial setup process is the same for all of them. When you finish with the S3 bucket and DynamoDB table for your state file, you need to first deploy the common environment and then workload environments. These two processes differ a little bit.

Steps required within all environments

First, create an S3 bucket which will hold Terraform state file. It can be done manually or using Terraform itself. Here is a guide, how to deploy S3 bucket. I always create the bucket manually, which is my preferred way, but generally, it's up to you. But don't forget to enable versioning! ⚠️ Since bucket names are globally unique, the good practice is to name them following this format <environment>-<bucket_name>-<account_id>-<region>. In the case of this template, it can look like this dev-template-terraform-805382315593-us-east-1. Now put the bucket name into the versions.tf file.

Optional part is to set up a DynamoDB table. When two developers would run terraform apply at the same time, there would be very likely conflict and it would be a 💥. DynamoDB table serves as a locking mechanism to prevent it. If you find the locking important (I recommend to set it up anyway), create a table with partition key LockID. See the guide how to set up a Terraform backend for more concrete information. The good practice is to name the table the same as the S3 bucket containing the state file. To be the most cost-effective, don't create a table with the Default settings, but with the Customize settings option. This allows you to choose the DynamoDB Standard-IA table class and On-demand capacity. ⚠️ This configuration is not recommended for wide usage of DynamoDB tables, it's just the best option in terms of cost-effectiveness in this use case. Always study pricing for your particular use case before setting up DynamoDB tables as this resource can be really costly! Don't forget to also turn on the deletion protection.

Every resource should have appropriate tags to improve the maintainability of your cloud applications. This applies also to the S3 bucket and DynamoDB table. Follow the default_tags section in the AWS provider at versions.tf. In other words, when setting up bucket and table, don't forget to create tags AppName=Go API template and Environment=dev (just an example).

Required prerequisites for the following steps:

  • You have an existing AWS account in our two STRV AWS accounts - STRV DevOps Templates and STRV Playground. If not, contact your manager.
  • Configured AWS SSO, so Terraform is allowed to perform API operations.

Common environment

A common environment is suitable for resources needed by all other environments. At this moment, there is an ECR repository and OIDC role required by GitHub repository to be able to push Docker images. If you don't deploy ECR at first, deploying of the ECS service in workload environments would fail because there is no Docker image to pull. ECR repository is shared among all other AWS workload accounts so this is the central place to store them. This environment can be suitable also for Route 53 hosted zones and other shared resources that are needed by the rest of your AWS accounts. Although the architecture is modularized, there is no required order of module deployment. It's designed to deploy it all in a single step. Let's do it.

Terraform needs to be initialized. Set your working directory to environments/common and run:

terraform init

This creates a directory .terraform with all poviders and modules downloaded.

The next step is to deploy the whole common environment (don't forget to change values in terraform.tfvars):

terraform apply -var-file=terraform.tfvars

Development environment

A development environment is probably the first one you want to deploy when a project started. At this point, you should have already prepared the common environment. When you have Docker image in place (see the guide), you can proceed to deployment:

Steps are the same as below. Set your working directory to environments/dev and run:

terraform init
terraform apply -var-file=terraform.tfvars

After the successful deployment, you see your output variables. The output might look like this:

database_cluster_endpoint = "go-api-template-postgres.cluster-chb4ficdk9sr.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com"
ecs_load_balancer_dns_name = "go-api-template-734507092.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com"

Try, if the API is working:

curl -v http://go-api-template-734507092.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com/ping

You should see 204 as a status code.

Check whether the API version is one you expect:

curl http://go-api-template-734507092.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com/version

You should see {"version":"0.1.0"} in the response.

Neither bastion host nor VPN are deployed by default. It is disabled in the config file. If you want to deploy a component for remote access to private components, see the guide.

If your IDE shows warnings in the modules that resources are not found locally, I recommend running:

terraform init -backend=false

in the module directory. This will locally download all dependencies and IDE intellisense will be working.


Pipelines in .github directory are divided into two groups - workflows and custom actions. Relationship between them is simple - custom actions are reusable components used inside workflows to simplify and DRY the pipeline code. From high level, there are four workflows. Two (fmt and validate) for CI and two (plan and apply) for CD.


Setup Terraform action is used by Terraform related workflows to download the Terraform CLI binary. This is also the place to update the Terraform version (TF_VERSION env variable). By default is installed also a wrapper script to wrap subsequent calls of the terraform binary and expose its stdout, stderr, and exit code. The action uses cache, which is important regarding Terraform providers. AWS provider binary has almost 400 MiB in size. The template currently contains 8 .terraform directories so having initialized all environments and modules can take a lot of disk space. There is a guide on how to use the plugin cache. In case of this action, providers are cached centrally in /home/runner/.terraform.d/plugin-cache so any subsequent Terraform init operation doesn't have to download provider binaries all over again but creates just a symlink. Output variable plugin-cache-dir is exposed so workflows can set Terraform env variable TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR accordingly.

For Each Env action is useful in situations where a Terraform operation is supposed to be run for each environment (dev, stg, prod). Operation is accepted as the input variable from a calling workflow. It works in a way where an operation is performed in each subdirectory (environment) of the environments directory. This action wouldn't make any sense if the .terraform directory wouldn't be cached. .terraform contains all important files needed by Terraform to plan or apply deployments. There are stdout, stderr, and exitcode output variables, which are handy for other external tools or actions.

For Env action behaves exactly the same as For Each Env but it accepts one more input - env, so the action knows from which directory to perform an operation instead of performing it within each environment.

For Each Module action is useful in situations where a Terraform operation is supposed to be run for each module. It works exactly in the same way as For Each Env except the operation is run within all subdirectories of the modules directory.

Setup EasyRSA action is used by VPN related workflows to download EasyRSA CLI binary. EasyRSA is a utility to build and manage a PKI CA (public key infrastructure). In laymen's terms, this means to create a root certificate authority, and request and sign certificates, including sub-CAs and certificate revocation lists (CRL). This is also the place to update EasyRSA version (EASYRSA_VERSION env variable). There is no caching because binary has just a few KiB, it's stored by GitHub itself, and VPN related workflows are run very rarely.


lint workflow is run on a pull request commit or on merging to the master. After initial steps like checking out a repository and setting up the Terraform and TFLint, there is a need to initialize Terraform. That's why the For Each Env and For Each Module actions with the init operation are run. The first one is for environments and the second for modules. However, there is one trick - the init operation is run with -backend=false, which means all module files are downloaded but the backend (state file) is not initialized. It means there is no need to log in to AWS - linting of Terraform files is a local operation. The first linting step is code formatting. Formatter runs in a check mode, that's why it just reports an unformatted code instead of instant formatting it. Another linting step is code validation. The validate step is run in the For Each Env action. The last step is TFLint, which can run recursively from the project root the same way as the formatter.

plan workflow can be triggered only manually because the deployment process can be a stresful operation, especially when deploying on the production. The intention is to have the whole process under full control. The one who deploys needs to see what is going to be deployed - no blind deployments allowed. A developer never knows what could have happened in the infrastructure (unexpected manual interventions). That's why it's important to see a diff of what is deployed and what the state file after deploying will look like. The workflow accepts env input - an environment to plan for a deployment. After checking out a repository, there is a special step, where workflow logins to the AWS account. By login is meant assuming a specified role that has admin rights. After this step, Terraform can be set up with initializing - backend included. The plan command needs to download the current state file from the S3 bucket, that's why the backend needs to be set up. The plan step itself is run in the For Env action because it is allowed to deploy only one environment in a workflow. In this case, command line input is disabled to ensure all needed data are taken from a particular var file. Plan output is stored in a file, instead of printing it in the command line. The last step is uploading the generated state file as an artifact for the purpose of the actual deployment. Unlike fmt and validate workflows, the result of the plan command cannot be sent as a PR comment, because when triggering a manual workflow, it's without a pull request context, since the workflow is run on a branch, not on a pull request. That's why the finished workflow has to be opened to see a result. However, there is a space for a Slack bot to improve the developer experience.

apply workflow is the second part of the deployment process. The workflow can be triggered only manually for the same reasons mentioned above in the plan section. The workflow accepts env and plan_workflow_id inputs. env input serves the same purpose as in the plan workflow. The plan_workflow_id input is the ID of the completed plan workflow. apply needs to know the workflow ID so it can download the artifact from the plan workflow. The first steps are the same as in plan workflow - checking out a repository, logging to AWS, and setting up Terraform. The next step is to download the artifact containing the plan output from the workflow identified by plan_workflow_id. There is a safeguard mechanism in the form of the environment - if plan was performed for the dev environment but the apply accidentally for the stg environment, the plan output file won't be found so the workflow will fail instead of unwanted deployment. The last step is Terraform apply. It just applies the downloaded plan output file in the correct environment (directory) specified by the input variable.

create-vpn-client-cert workflow serves for creating a new VPN client certificate. This workflow is supposed to be run every time an infra maintainer wants to create VPN access for a new team member. The workflow can be triggered only manually. Although creating the VPN configuration and deployment itself is a maintainer's manual step, maintaining certificates should not be. PKI is stored centrally in GitHub, so there could happen unfortunate file overwrites by several infra admins. It's a good practice to let this critical security operation on the CI and let it push a result directly into the master. The workflow accepts client_name input, which is the base for generated file names (e.g. jozko-dlouhy -> jozko-dlouhy.crt). After checking out a repository, and setting up EasyRSA, the client certificate is generated using the Makefile command. The last step is automated Git commit & push of generated files (public certificate, private key, certificate request, ...). The workflow can (should) be run on the master branch.

revoke-vpn-client-cert workflow serves for revoking of already existing VPN client certificate. This workflow is supposed to be run every time an infra maintainer wants to revoke VPN access for a user. The workflow can be triggered only manually for the same reasons mentioned above in the create-vpn-client-cert section. The workflow accepts env and client_name inputs. env describes the environment where the VPN is deployed. client_name has to match with create-vpn-client-cert. When creating certificate for jozko-dlouhy, the same client name has to be provided when revoking the access. After checking out a repository, and setting up EasyRSA, the client certificate is revoked using the Makefile command. The last step is automated Git commit & push of revoked files (revoked, crl.pem, ...). The workflow can (should) be run on the master branch.


In GitHub, go to Settings -> Environments and create the same environments you already have in AWS. In this case, it's dev, stg, and prod (dev is sufficient if you are just playing with stones). In each environment, create environment secret AWS_ACCOUNT_ID with the appropriate value. Then create environment variable AWS_REGION with value us-east-1, which is the region STRV always deploys to. Workflows won't be running correctly (at least plan and apply) without deploying the common module, where is OIDC role. The command how to do it is mentioned above.

How To Deploy

There are two ways how to run manual workflows. The first one is via GitHub website in Actions tab. The second way is a GitHub CLI tool. As described above, the deployment process consists of two phases - planning and applying so two workflows need to run. In the dev environment, it is expected to test and deploy resources manually via a user's terminal. When a new Terraform code is tested and ready to deploy on another environment (stg), create a PR and wait for fmt and validate workflows to succeed. Then manually trigger the plan workflow in the GitHub website or CLI:

gh workflow run plan -f env=stg

Check out the plan result in the completed workflow. If everything seems to be as expected, run the apply workflow either via website or CLI:

gh workflow run apply -f env=stg -f plan_workflow_id=<plan_workflow_id>

plan_workflow_id can be obtained either from the URL path when opening the plan workflow detail page or with CLI:

gh run list --workflow plan.yaml

Check the apply workflow result if everything ended up correctly.


  • Tomáš Kocman (GitHub, @tomaskocman on Slack)


  • Deploy one DB db.t3.medium instance instead of two serverless instances on dev ($0.082 per hour per instance vs $0.12 per ACU).
  • Automatic deployments to dev env.
  • Research SAML based VPN so we could possibly get rid of mutual authentication.
  • Set up alarms.
  • pki
    • Find a better way how to maintain pki.
    • Create a separate CA for each env.
    • Document CA rotation (when anyone with read access to this repo leaves the project or company).
  • Migrate to IPv6 wherever possible.
  • Improve developer experience by creating a Slack bot.