
:chicken: A lightweight YAML Parser for Python

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A lightweight YAML Parser for Python

Please note that Poyo supports only a chosen subset of the YAML format.

It can only read but not write and is not compatible with JSON.

See the examples below to get an idea of what Poyo understands.


poyo is available for download from PyPI via pip:

$ pip install poyo

Poyo is 100% Python and does not require any additional libs.


Poyo comes with a parse_string() function, to load utf-8 encoded string data into a Python dict.

import codecs
import logging

from poyo import parse_string, PoyoException


with codecs.open('tests/foobar.yml', encoding='utf-8') as ymlfile:
    ymlstring = ymlfile.read()

    config = parse_string(ymlstring)
except PoyoException as exc:


In (YAML):

default_context: # foobar
    greeting: こんにちは
    email: "raphael@hackebrot.de"
    docs: true
    gui: FALSE
    123: 456.789
    someint: 1000000
    foo: "hallo #welt" #Inline comment :)
    trueish: Falseeeeeee
        # docs or didn't happen
        -    mkdocs
        - 'sphinx'

        - null
zZz: True
NullValue: Null

# Block
# Comment

Hello World:
    null: This is madness   # yo
    gh: https://github.com/{0}.git
"Yay #python": Cool!

Out (Python):

    u'default_context': {
        u'greeting': u'こんにちは',
        u'email': u'raphael@hackebrot.de',
        u'docs': True,
        u'gui': False,
        123: 456.789,
        u'someint': 1000000,
        u'foo': u'hallo #welt',
        u'trueish': u'Falseeeeeee',
        u'doc_tools': [u'mkdocs', u'sphinx', None],
    u'zZz': True,
    u'NullValue': None,
    u'Hello World': {
        None: u'This is madness',
        u'gh': u'https://github.com/{0}.git',
    u'Yay #python': u'Cool!'


Because a couple of cookiecutter users, including myself, ran into issues when installing well-known YAML parsers for Python on various platforms and Python versions.


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Poyo project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, poyo is free and open source software.

OSI certified