
Atari 6502 cross compiller assembler test

Primary LanguageAssembly

Atari 6502 Mads Assembler Test

The game is using Player/Missile graphics. Sprites movement / joystick control / collision detection and so on is done in main program loop not IRQ is used so far. The delays are simply generated by additional loops. ANTIC DLI program is used to display scores in first lines of graphics memory. The scores are kept binary but displayed by using 6502 decimal mode. No nested subroutines to avoid stack overflow. Whole code can fit in just two memory pages. Page 0 is used for storing some values to speed up transfer to registers and accumulator.


(I'm aware of WUDSN IDE which is great, but I still like Idea better)

Idea External tools configuration:

  • Set working dir to $FileDir$

  • Compile:

./local/bin/mads $FilePath$ -o:$FileNameWithoutExtension$.xex -p -t:$FileNameWithoutExtension$.lab -l:$FileNameWithoutExtension$.lst
  • Run:
/usr/bin/xterm -iconic -e atari800 -run $FileNameWithoutExtension$.xex




  • Sounds
  • Scrolled background
  • Enemy player horizontal movement
  • Multiple enemy players
  • Collision animations
  • Music