This is a simple implementation of the classic arcade game Breakout using Python's Turtle module.
- Use the "A" and "D" keys to move the paddle left and right, respectively.
- Try to keep the ball from hitting the bottom of the screen while breaking the blocks above.
- The game ends when all blocks are destroyed.
- Ball bouncing mechanics.
- Paddle control.
- Block destruction detection.
- Progressive difficulty (increasing speed).
Make sure you have Python installed. You can download it from
Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
Run the script using a Python interpreter:
- Python 3.x
- Turtle module (included in Python's standard library)
- A - Move paddle left.
- D - Move paddle right.
Insert screenshots of your game here (if available).
- This game is inspired by the classic arcade game "Breakout" originally developed by Atari, Inc.
- Thanks to the Python Turtle module for providing a simple graphics library for beginners.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.