
Really tiny replacement for console.time() and console.timeEnd()

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What does it do?

It measueres time passed since moment of its initialization. In seconds, because we are humans.


To avoid annoying missing/duplicated labels errors and inconvenient syntax when triggering console.time() and console.timeEnd() in async JS code. Since I'm using this tiny snippet in many projects it's better to keep it - and share - as a separated package.



yarn add tiny-stopwatch


npm i tiny-stopwatch


import TinyStopwatch from "tiny-stopwatch";
// or const TinyStopwatch = require('tiny-stopwatch');

console.log("Big Bang!");
const timer = new TinyStopwatch(); // creating instance initializes stopwatch

// some time consuming stuff

console.log("Time passed since Big Bang!: " + timer.getInterval() + "s");

// another time consuming stuff

console.log("Time passed since Big Bang!: " + timer.getInterval() + "s");

console.log("Big Bang, once again!");
timer.reset(); // reinitializes stopwatch