Physics Exercises Website - WIP

Quick information about a project

I have made this project while learning ExpressJS framework and JS in general.

I had previous knowledge of how to make a backend of a website in Django - Python framework operating on MVC model

I have also made a "similar" project of simple e-commerce shop in mentioned Django in the past.

In this project I could use external libraries for some things, such as database model creation (Sequelize etc.), or authentication of users, but I decided to do it on my own to learn how to do it.

I also wrote a database generation script for this project. It can generate an example of database used by the website.

I wasn't doing this project with intent to publish it as a working website on a server that everyone could see.

It was made purely for me to learn and demonstrate my programming skills.

Side note

Website's frontend isn't looking good because my intention was to focus on backend!

Used technologies

  • JavaScript backend in Express framework
  • SQLite database
  • EJS html templating language


Project is a website with a browsable database of physics exercises, that users are be able to add, see, comment on, and modify. People can create their own accounts and log-in to them.

URLs structure

  • / - homepage with options to search / sort / filter exercises
  • /users - a group of URLs related to users
    • /users/add - form with options to register and log in
    • /users/:nickname - page displaying information about specified user
    • /users/me - page with settings for currently logged-in user
  • /exercises - a group of URLs related to exercises
    • /exercises/add - form for adding new exercise
    • /exercises/:id - displaying information about specific exercise
      • /exercises/:id/edit - page with editing options for exercise

Planned functionalities

  • Tags for exercises, like high school / university
  • Ability to easily browse through exercises based on topic and how hard it is
  • Option to comment/rate exercises

Database models

  • Exercise:

    • [PK] id - int - id
    • [FK] author - int - id of user who created exercise
    • date - datetime - creation date
    • content - text - content of an exercise, description of the problem
    • difficulty - int - from 1 to 5 scale of how difficult the exercise is
    • tags - text - tags separated with spaces
  • Comment:

    • [PK] id - int - id
    • [FK] exercise_id - int - id of exercise that comment is made on
    • date - datetime - creation date
    • content - text - content of a comment
  • User:

    • [PK] id - int - id
    • username - text - visible username of user
    • email - text - email
    • date - datetime - registration date
    • password_hash - text - hashed password
    • password_salt - text - unique hash salt for each users' password