- compatible with iojs 3.3.0+
### Get it running
git clone git@github.com:jakubzitny/avoc-interview.git
cd avoc-interview
npm install
npm start
node server.js
# open chrome with --disable-web-security flag to hack CORS
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --disable-web-security & # on OS X
# and go to http://localhost:8080/index.html
### Test it
Testing is done with jest, but could be much much better..
npm test
- logging in
- listing tasks, toggling, marking as completed, adding, deleting
- during marking task as completed, toggling is disabled until it is saved on the server
- pagination
- toggling visibility of completed tasks (first level tasks, sounds reasonable, looks bit weird, but should be correct)
- tests kinda
- originaly all POST and DELETE api requests didn't work, now seems to be okay (morning)
- the subtask completion toggling still doesn't seem work on api side
### Implementation struggles Lack of react experience => small problems with react/react-tools/reactify versions and jest and heroku => took a bit longer than expected :(