
Tools for testing Symfony Bundles.

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Bundle Test

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Tools for testing Symfony Bundles.

This is work in progress.


Symfony made it easy to test bundles with a Kernel booted thanks to the KernelTestCase and the MicrokernelTrait. However, there's no convenient way to recreate scenarios of bundles configured in various ways. One solution would be to create several test kernels with different configurations. This is boring, tedious and in most cases not maintainable. Also, changing the configuration on the fly, per test case, would mean having to deal with manual cache clearing before every test case is executed.

The Symfony2Extension Behat extension "suffers" from similar issues. "suffers" is put in quotes as those tools were simply designed for different use cases.

This library offers an alternative - a configurable test kernel that automatically puts each configuration in its own scope. Its aim is to make writing integration tests for Symfony Bundles easier and more high level.


namespace Acme\Tests;

use Acme\FooBundle;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle;
use Zalas\BundleTest\PHPUnit\ConfigurableKernel;
use Zalas\BundleTest\PHPUnit\ContainerAssertions;

class FooBundleTest extends TestCase
    use ConfigurableKernel;
    use ContainerAssertions;

    public function testTheFooServiceIsDisabledByDefault()
        $this->givenBundlesAreEnabled([new FrameworkBundle(), new FooBundle()]);

        $kernel = self::bootKernel();

        $this->assertServiceIsNotDefined('foo', $kernel->getContainer());

    public function testTheFooServiceIsEnabledInConfiguration()
        $this->givenBundlesAreEnabled([new FrameworkBundle(), new FooBundle()]);
        $this->givenBundleConfiguration('foo', ['enabled' => true]);

        $kernel = self::bootKernel();

        $this->assertServiceIsDefined('foo', Foo::class, $kernel->getContainer());


The Zalas\BundleTest\PHPUnit\ConfigurableKernel trait provides a convenient way to configure and then boot the Symfony kernel in tests.

Here's a full example of available methods:

namespace Acme\Tests;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zalas\BundleTest\PHPUnit\ConfigurableKernel;

class FooTest extends TestCase
    use ConfigurableKernel;

    public function testItEnablesTheFooService()
            ->givenBundleIsEnabled([new FooBundle()])
            ->givenBundleConfiguration('foo', ['enabled' => true, 'bar' => 'baz'])

        $kernel = self::bootKernel();


A new kernel configuration is generated for each set of given* calls. If another test case uses the same given* calls the kernel cache will be reused. Otherwise a new one's generated.


use Acme\FooBundle;
use Behat\Behat\Context;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle;

class FooContext implements Context
    private $applicationRunner;

    public function __construct()
        $this->applicationRunner = new ApplicationRunner();
        $this->applicationRunner->enableBundle(new FrameworkBundle());

     * @Given the :bundle bundle is enabled
    public function givenTheBundleIsEnabled(string $bundle)
        $class = 'Foo\\'.$bundle;
        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The bundle "%s" does not exist.', $class));

        $this->applicationRunner->enableBundle(new $class());

     * @When the :event event is dispatched with :userId
    public function whenTheEventIsDispatchedWithUserId(string $event, string $userId)
        $supportedEvents = [
            'user.verified' => 'Foo\Event\UserVerifiedEvent',

        if (!isset($supportedEvents[$event])) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The event "%s" is not recognised.', $event));

        $eventClass = $supportedEvents[$event];

        $this->applicationRunner->dispatchEvent($event, new $eventClass($userId));

     * @Then the :userId user should enabled
    public function thenTheUserShouldBeEnabled(string $userId)
        $user = $this->applicationRunner->getService('user.repository')->find($userId);

        if (!$user->isEnabled()) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The user %s should be enabled', $userId));