Injects services from a PSR-11 dependency injection container to PHPUnit test cases
- 12
Deprecation notices
#33 opened by gjuric - 5
Ability to boot only once per class
#42 opened by drzraf - 1
Update php-cs-fixer to v3
#40 opened by jakzal - 0
Update the deptrac configuration file
#39 opened by jakzal - 1
Support PHP 8.1
#37 opened by gjuric - 2
Not compatible with phpunit 9
#34 opened by gvojtko - 6
- 1
PHPUnit 9 on 1.4
#28 opened by gjuric - 2
- 6
- 1
Remove PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV from the Makefile once php-cs-fixer start supporting php 7.3
#17 opened by jakzal - 0
Scope phar dependencies
#12 opened by jakzal - 19
Custom environment raises "Class \ does not exist and could not be loaded" error
#3 opened by kniziol - 0
Distribute the extension as a phar
#5 opened by jakzal