- abodacsOpenCoast
- aeturrell
- apepaUniversity of Copenhagen
- cfoster0
- dekked@tryolabs
- dginev@arXiv
- divkakwaniNvidia
- EdwardBurginLondon
- fly51flyPRIS
- forhonourlx
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- gryan11@Microsoft
- Hellisotherpeople@Oracle
- hoangthienan95
- J0hnG4ltSpain
- jacobdanovitchMicrosoft
- jbdatascienceNetherlands
- JorgeCejaStealth
- KeremZaman
- keshavdSanofi
- Kk-ships
- koke2c95
- MaksymDelTartuNLP (
- mapmeldyes plz you can hire me
- nfelnlp@DFKI-NLP
- nlarion
- olinguyenTwitch
- popeye007
- raijinspecialThe Milky Way
- raineydavid@womencancode @womenintech
- sh0416POSTECH
- tommy9301122Taipei, Taiwan
- yestUniversitas Sebelas Maret
- zcdliuweiSmall Design
- ZugunruhekamiFrankfurt am Main