Test Spike Results

site : https://laughing-noether-7b439b.netlify.app cms : https://laughing-noether-7b439b.netlify.app/admin graphql : http://localhost:8424/__graphql

  1. Updated existing content and clicked publish
    • no developers needed
  2. Updated new content for existing template and clicked publish
    • no developers needed
  3. Create new component/layout for content
    • Learn the framework and it seems simple enough (see 4 + 5 for issues with testing)
  4. Local development environment setup
    • Successful but had some sporadic build issues (sass broken on example site maybe)
    • Site and CMS code are local but content is pulled from and committed to the master branch
  5. PR creates a deploy preview of the site including the CMS
    • Again the content is pulled from and committed to the master branch
  6. Developers experience
    • Default options are not great
      • JS with some sort of TypeScript option but I am skeptical about support
      • Large CS framework seems to be included but we can drop probably
      • GraphQL seems like overkill and will certainly have a steep learning curve
    • Gotta fix the dev environment committing to master
  7. Build from multiple sources
    • graphql is a pain and I don't see the benefit for our use cases (maybe research a bit to see what upside may be)
      • It does have a GUI to generate some simpler queries (uses DB connect to collect schema data)
    • Unknown errors in build again (useless JS errors pointing to some build component with no information as to cause)
    • Reverting all the way back to the init project, I get CSS errors breaking the build (no semicolons?!?! no curly brackets?!?!)
    • Deleting all Sass code I get the original error (I give up)
  8. Searching for fixes to issues I found some horror stories about Gatsby (misleading advertisements about performance etc.)
    • Disgruntled developers venting or legitimate unethical behaviour?
  9. Creating a personal Heroku test database and adding URL to netlify configs

Calling it quits - latest build error
