Test Spike Results

site : https://upbeat-edison-337641.netlify.app cms : https://upbeat-edison-337641.netlify.app/admin

  1. Updated existing content and clicked publish
    • no developers needed
    • build times are radically quicker (will save money and time)
  2. Updated new content for existing template and clicked publish
    • no developers needed
    • tested out the preview mode (should be available for gatsby also)
  3. Create new component/layout for content
    • Hugo GO templating is a bit complicated - reminds me of picking up Ember
  4. Local development environment setup
    • Successful but had some sporadic build issues (sass broken on example site maybe)
    • Site and CMS code are local but content is pulled from and committed to the master branch
  5. PR creates a deploy preview of the site including the CMS
    • Again the content is pulled from and committed to the master branch
  6. Developers experience
    • Very snappy, feels like instant reload of content for the small test site
    • Gotta fix the dev environment committing to master
  7. Build from multiple sources
    • Requires we roll our own solution, I would hate to write anything in JS but not sure how to include GO commands/modules

Calling it quits - sourced data is a blocker but I may come back if there are no other options